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Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis In America

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Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis In America

Affordable Housing Crisis

The United States has a long time struggled with a shortage of Affordable Housing Crisis. This problem is exacerbated by the rising millennials who want to start families but can’t find homes large enough for them because of high mortgage rates and a lack of availability. 

One solution to the problem of needing more affordable homes is to build more of them.

The affordable housing market has changed significantly over the past several years due to factors such as the COVID-19 epidemic, record-high inflation, massive job losses, and rising rent prices. 

As the long-term trend of declining supply continues, the shortage of houses affordable and available to renters with extremely low incomes will deteriorate by more than 500,000 units between 2019 and 2021.

 The financial stability, better health, educational possibilities, and economic mobility of families across the United States depend on resolving the scarcity of cheap and adequate housing.

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Affordable Housing Crisis

The importance of housing cannot be overstated; Education is the key to escaping poverty and achieving economic mobility. To reduce child poverty and boost economic mobility in the United States, expanding the availability of low-cost housing has been found to be the most cost-effective option.

 Economist Raj Chetty of Stanford showed that children whose families relocated to areas with lower rates of poverty had higher salaries as adults;

 individuals who were raised in more affluent neighborhoods were observed to have a lower incidence of single parenthood in adulthood.

 Children who have safe, secure, and financially secure households are better equipped to focus on their academics and take advantage of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.

The expansion of low-cost housing options is a powerful stimulus for the economy. The lack of affordable housing is estimated to cost the U.S. economy $2 trillion a year in lost wages and productivity.

 Limitations on family income growth due to a lack of affordable housing dampen the economy. If families had easier access to cheap housing, economic growth between 1964 and 2009 may have been as much as 13.5 percent greater, according to the study’s authors.

 An additional $1.7 trillion in revenue would have been generated, which is equivalent to an average pay increase of $8,775. Each dollar put into affordable housing has a multiplier effect on local economies, increasing both the number of jobs available and the amount of money collected in local taxes.

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In What Way Does the U.S. Housing Market Currently Stand?

Affordable Housing Crisis (

The short answer is yes, we are experiencing an affordability crisis and have been for several decades. This is in part because of the subprime mortgage market that flourished in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, when banks extended credit to borrowers who had lower credit scores and were more likely to default on their payments. 

The banks sold the riskier mortgages as soon as the borrowers signed the paperwork. They didn’t mind if Joe and Kate, to give an example, lied on their application and could have trouble making their payments because they were shifting the risk to someone else.

It was standard practice at the time to earn a profit by purchasing many homes in hot real estate markets like Florida and Arizona and then quickly selling them for a profit. 

Home values rose quickly to unprecedented heights, creating a “housing bubble.” However, in 2008, the bubble burst after the financial crisis. However, the anticipated decrease in pricing did not materialize.

 Instead, when the crisis’s effects waned, and demand began to rise, supply did not rise to meet it. This resulted in price increases that persist to this day. Many young adults don’t buy homes because they are out of reach financially.

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Are Houses Too Pricey Everywhere?

In the United States, real estate is a complex market. However, there is a trade-off and a true mismatch between the occupations and houses that are available, despite the fact that the country is diversified and there are still inexpensive locations to live.

 For instance, San Francisco offers a wide variety of desirable employment opportunities, from high-paying tech positions to middle- to low-paying service occupations. 

The city has a very alluring job market. Housing prices have skyrocketed in San Francisco and other major cities, including New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Denver, and Seattle, due to a severe shortage of available homes.

Many people who work minimum wage or lower-paying jobs would want to call San Francisco or another expensive city home. Still, they simply need help to afford to do so. Similarly, current residents, such as baristas who serve cappuccinos and software developers, need help making ends meet between rent and buying a home.

Areas like Baltimore, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh are more inexpensive and provide the amenities of a metropolis. Still, these areas, too, need affordability concerns.

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The supply of affordable housing in the United States has yet to keep up with the demand for it. This is a complex issue, but it may be summed up as follows.

1. Why Are There Affordable Housing Crisis

Affordable Housing Crisis

The market began rebounding after the Great Recession of 2008, and I do mean recovering; it has been moving up, up, up, and up ever since. However, as a nation, we needed to construct adequate dwellings. Indeed, why not?

Zoning laws are to blame in part because they limit building opportunities. In the United States, communities and neighbourhood groups go through a political process to determine what goes up and where. 

That doesn’t happen, for example, in Europe, where choices are taken at a higher level of centralization and where zoning restrictions for certain districts may take into account the needs of the entire metropolitan region.

 However, NIMBYism is common in the United States due to the country’s decentralized decision-making process. The majority of homeowners, or even entire communities, will look out for number one: themselves.

Some housing market studies have connected stringent rules with a shortage of homes. According to other research, there needs to be more both workers and developable land. Consider the densely populated island of Manhattan as an example. However, our findings indicate that this is just a partial solution to the issue.

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2. This Sounds Like A Real-Life Version of the Board Game Monopoly.

It’s a lot like Monopoly in that the more land you own, the more sway you have over the economy, and the more you can charge for your goods and services. The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is used by the U.S. Department of Justice to evaluate market concentration across different sectors. 

Concentration levels between 1,500 and 2,500 are deemed “moderately concentrated,” while concentration levels beyond 2,500 are regarded as “highly concentrated.” 

By 2015, the percentage of “highly concentrated” housing markets had increased in the states of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and western Pennsylvania.

In economics, when demand is high, and prices are rising, new firms tend to enter the market. However, this has yet to occur on a large scale in the house-building industry since large builders have maintained their dominance since the recession. 

After all, companies have more resources and can weather economic downturns and inflation better; 

They have whole departments and persons committed to understanding and negotiating the intricate urban zoning restrictions and taking city council members out to lunch to persuade them that allowing construction in a certain area will be beneficial to their bottom line. They aren’t available to small construction companies.

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3, ” How, Therefore, Does the Strong Market Concentration in House Building Affect Home Prices?

If you have a monopoly, you may raise prices by restricting supply and driving up demand. That’s what we’re seeing, and it’s one factor in the sustained increase in home prices. Some major players are reluctant to maximize output since doing so would drive down costs for their products. 

As a result, they either delay construction or need to get around to it. This is why new communities can take months or even years to fill in with more than a handful of homes. The number of homes they build is purposefully kept low.

4, Is There a Wider Economic Impact of the Current Property Market Crisis?

Affordable Housing Crisis

A resounding yes, indeed. Based on our findings, market concentration has altered macroeconomic dynamics by reducing the yearly value of home output by $106 billion. 

This is because it has far-reaching effects on the economy as a whole, including (as I will discuss in an upcoming paper) contributing to inequity and segregation by, for example, limiting workers’ mobility to employment, straining the budgets of low-income renters, and creating unequal distributions of housing wealth.

The housing market greatly influences home-related consumption and investment choices. Think about the fact that 11% of the GDP and 16% of individual consumption is spent on housing. Therefore, the housing market cycle and the number of homes built are essential factors in macroeconomics.

  • The question then becomes, what do decision-makers need to be aware of? 
  • Which housing policy would be most beneficial?

In the United States, NIMBYism has become widespread due to the decentralization of housing control, which has led to neighborhoods going to extreme lengths to prevent the development of multi-family housing, such as apartment complexes and duplexes. 

A metropolitan-wide limitation on single-family zoning was established in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 2018, making it the first such restriction in the United States. This meant that local zoning boards could no longer prevent the construction of multi-family residences within their jurisdictions.

Although I support local control, cities, and states should establish laws to prevent too restrictive zoning. Addressing the housing shortage is essential if cities and states are to increase housing affordability, boost economic growth, and create new employment opportunities.

 Housing supply might increase, and state and municipal economies would benefit from more centralized and equitable rules.

Meanwhile, the federal government could complement the high housing costs by providing housing and rental vouchers to promote demand. 

However, the current level of market concentration in the construction industry of homes also has to shift. Monopolies prevent us from finding a solution to the issue. The federal government should keep a close eye on corporate mergers. 

One publication, Builder, called 2017 “a mergers and acquisitions juggernaut for home building.” According to the magazine, one of the numerous mergers is between Lennar and WCI Communities, which was completed in 2017, and CalAtlantic, which was completed in 2018. 

Together, they constitute the largest homebuilding corporation in the country. This phenomenon persists until today. The present housing problem is largely attributable to mergers and acquisitions. And they’ve made it tough for small-scale builders to stay afloat while also pricing out a large portion of the American population.

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5. How Has the Rise of the Freelance Economy Affected the Cost of Living and People’s Decisions to Move Into New Areas Since the Pandemic?

Affordable Housing Crisis

To facilitate remote work, additional room is required. Before the pandemic hit, persons who worked from home spent a bigger percentage of their income on housing, and they also tended to have a larger number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

 Importantly, it’s more than just dedicated home office space that individuals desire more of when they work remotely. Since they can perform many of the menial tasks they once did at work and at home, they also make more use of the rest of their dwelling (e.g., bathrooms, kitchens, basement gyms). 

Since more people are choosing to work from home, there has been a dramatic rise in housing demand, driving up costs.

Suburbanites can save money by working from home and commuting only a few days each week instead of five. Subsequently, it moved housing demand into the suburbs, especially in areas with lengthy commutes, relatively inexpensive suburban land, and a significant proportion of white-collar professionals.

As more homes are built in desirable areas, the rate of price appreciation should slow down over time. However, cities are progressively enacting stringent land use rules, which makes it more difficult for home builders to expand supply, even in the long run. Hence, a portion of the increase in housing prices is permanent.

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6. When Compared With Homeowners, How do Renters Do When Interest Rates Rise?

Unfortunately, neither renters nor purchasers would benefit in the short or long run from any decrease in housing prices caused by the increase in interest rates.

 The value of a home is just the present discounted value of a stream of rentals that are projected in the future, and this discount rate has been increasing. This is one reason why property prices have leveled out or even fallen in some areas. 

Rising interest rates have made it difficult for certain borrowers to get mortgages when they otherwise would have been able to do so. Fewer people are interested in purchasing a property, which means fewer bids on available properties.

Since rising interest rates make it impossible to carry one’s existing mortgage rate with one to a new property, many would-be sellers are effectively trapped in their present residence. Because of this, the demand for pre-existing houses is quite low.

It would be naive to assume that housing costs have decreased as a result of the rise in interest rates, as rents have not reduced noticeably. Renters have seen little improvement, and new house development has slowed as rising loan rates make it more difficult for builders to make money. In the middle term, rising rates will make everything more expensive.

7, The Escalation of Home Prices

Homeowners and renters alike are facing the highest housing costs in almost a century. Unless we take fast action, this situation will only worsen. Millions of hardworking Americans from Portland,, cannot afford either rental housing or an entry-level house. 

The National Housing Trust’s Paycheck to Paycheck database makes it obvious that this isn’t only an issue in San Francisco or Los Angeles, California. Yet, those cities are warning signs of what might happen if we do nothing. A carpenter cannot afford to buy the house he or she constructs in any of these areas.

Men and women in tents and cars around the country get ready for work every day in public restrooms. You will see this for yourself eventually if you haven’t already. Today, over 4,000 Los Angeles’s homeless persons, or about 10% of the city’s rapidly growing homeless population, engage in this practice.

As this Freddie Mac graph makes all too evident, the numbers show that the issue will only worsen. 

There exists a diverse array of housing options that one may consider. Since there are fewer people able to buy their own homes, more people are renting. Since more people are renting, more people are experiencing economic homelessness. It’s the law of supply and demand, and that law cannot be abolished.

To stop this upward spiral, we need to modify restrictive zoning ordinances that push up the price of new construction and the value of existing homes. Almost all of the ills of the market are of their own making.

 In California, for example, local governments can collect as much as $100,000 per unit in development costs before even issuing a building permit. 

As a result of this local disincentive, for-profit creation of affordable housing units is heavily discouraged, even if NHC members like Eden Housing are still creating such units.

 This is just another illustration of the causal relationship between state and municipal policy and, the growth of homelessness and the lengthening of commute times.

State and local governments that refuse to abolish discriminatory zoning or that impose insurmountable costs on the construction of affordable housing should be ineligible for the federal transportation aid that is so much sought after. 

The structure and financing of low-cost homes must also be simplified. There will be no resolution to this situation until mortgages of $150,000 or less become profitable again. No sustainable corporation knowingly pursues money-losing ventures.

8, The Black Homeownership Dilemma

Black Americans are less likely to own homes now than they were when segregation was allowed. It’s a shocking truth that symbolizes the disillusionment of tens of thousands of American families. 

For a long time, it was widely believed that reckless housing policies, such as affordable housing targets for lenders and investors, were to blame for the fact that so many African Americans were able to obtain mortgages for homes they could not afford.

Before reckless lending to first-time homebuyers, the majority of black homeowners in 2004 were already homeowners. 

They had good mortgages made by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing. Administration in the 1990s; as per the U.S. Census Bureau, the rate of homeownership has surged and is currently hovering around 48%.hen the housing bubble burst.

 Mortgage brokers and subprime lenders preyed on these individuals with equity stripping scams, destroying the value of their homes and leaving them on the precipice. 

Many of them lost their lives as a result of their houses going into foreclosure alongside the rest of the economy.

The 1.7 million African-American millennials who are in a position to get a mortgage and make over $100,000 a year are the first step in alleviating this situation. 

The black homeownership rate is now around 50 percent but would be close to that if all of them became homeowners tomorrow. They, like many of their generational peers, worry that buying a home is a terrible financial move because of the hefty cost of a down payment. 

They also carry the emotional scars of seeing close relatives lose their homes during the Great Recession, many of them victims of unscrupulous lenders and bad mortgages. 

It will be extremely challenging to persuade them that homeownership is the single most effective strategy for wealth building and that new rules and regulations have forbidden many of the techniques and goods that devastated their parents’ generation. 

Closing the minority homeownership gap as a whole will be greatly aided by successful efforts to reverse the widening disparity in black homeownership.

When taken as a whole, these concerns constitute the vast majority of NHC’s policy initiatives. That’s why the National Housing Conference and its members have started the long process of creating a modern National Housing Act. 


1. Keep the National Housing Trust Fund Strong and Increase Its Size.

Affordable Housing Crisis

Affordable housing for the lowest-income individuals requires expenditures in construction, preservation, and rehabilitation. These funds can also be used to create accessible housing for people with disabilities, revitalize economically depressed neighbourhoods, and expand housing alternatives for low-income families in hot or gentrifying markets.

Households with incomes of 30% or less of the area median income or below the federal poverty line are the primary beneficiaries of the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF), the first federal resource in a generation to provide block grants to states for this purpose.

States are spending most of their HTF funds on initiatives that will help those. Certain populations that are particularly vulnerable include individuals experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities, elderly individuals, and other special needs groups.

NLIHC spearheaded the effort to establish and support the HTF nationally for close to twenty years. In 2019, states received the first $249 million in HTF money. 

Next came almost $323 million in 2020 funding and then nearly $693 million in 2021 funding. For the over 11 million ELI renter families, NLIHC strives to guarantee that the money is used properly to construct adequate and affordable housing. 

2. The Funding for Federal Affordable Housing Programs Must be Protected and Increased.

Family and community well-being are supported by federal expenditures in affordable housing programs at HUD and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

 Positivity ripples outward from the availability of low-cost housing. It is much easier for families to keep their jobs, do well in school, and improve their health and well-being when they have secure, good, and affordable housing.

The Campaign for (CHCDF) is led by the National Low Income Housing Partnership (NLIHC), a partnership of 75 national and regional groups working to maximize funding for affordable housing and community development. 

We endorse enhancing the Low Income Housing Tax Credit to better assist families with urgent needs. 

3. Make Sure the Government Doesn’t Shortchange Anyone in Their Disaster Relief Efforts

Ensuring that all displaced families have a place to stay, that is both secure and cheap is a primary priority following a natural catastrophe. However, the needs of those with the lowest incomes and the areas in which they live are routinely disregarded. 

More than 250 national, state, and local organizations, many of which work directly with communities affected by disasters and have first-hand experience recovering from catastrophes, are united under NLIHC’s leadership in the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition. 

4. Increase Fairness in the Availability of Low-Cost Housing

Affordable housing and other social services should be available to all people in a community, according to NLIHC. The availability of safe, low-cost accommodation in prosperous neighborhoods provides far-reaching benefits, as shown by several studies. It has the potential to improve children’s health, educational attainment, and lifelong incomes.

NLIHC supports the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation that helps communities better satisfy their fair housing duties and encourages housing choice. Dig further into the subject.

For persons who have had contact with the juvenile or adult judicial system, NLIHC promotes housing that is secure, inexpensive, and easily accessible.

 People with criminal histories may make the most of their second opportunity if we remove obstacles to housing and fund programs that aid their reintegration into society after release from prison. As an added bonus, NLIHC works to decriminalize homelessness. 

Laws across the country criminalize homelessness by outlawing activities essential to survival, making it easier to identify and prosecute homeless individuals. 

 5. Authorize More Apartment Buildings.

Affordable Housing Crisis

Efforts are underway to make affordable housing more readily available. This needs to be improved by the fact that over 75% of land designated for residential use in many American cities is restricted to the construction of single-family, detached homes.

 Many middle- and low-income families are barred from moving to higher-income areas because of the preponderance of single-family house zoning in these areas. Although eliminating single-family zoning is one of the most publicized initiatives advocated to improve affordability.

 Preliminary data from Minneapolis shows that more is needed. Build more affordable housing quickly. Cities should address other potentially limiting rules, such as minimum lot size requirements, density constraints, and bans on mixed-use constructions (apartments in commercial zones).

6. Reduce or Do Away With Parking Minimums.

A city may mandate that a particular number of parking spots be included in any new construction within a certain zone. One study of six New England municipal centers, for example, found that the mandated amount of parking was, on average, two and a half times higher than demand at peak hours, demonstrating that parking needs to be more supplied. 

Parking minimums are very expensive, with estimates ranging from an additional $50,000 to over $100,000 in construction expenses per dwelling unit in certain major cities. The price of subterranean parking is much higher.

 Numerous municipalities have found that doing away with parking requirements altogether is a net gain. One research looked at the effect of removing parking minimums on new house construction and the adaptive reuse of older structures in Los Angeles and found that both increased.

7, Increase the Number of Low-Cost Residences Near Public Transportation.

Affordable Housing Crisis

Families living below the poverty line in urban areas often rely on public transportation to go to and from work and other important destinations. However, rentals near public transit tend to be higher, leaving low-income families with the choice of moving somewhere more remote and spending their meagre resources on a car or paying higher rents.

 By decreasing transportation expenses, which are generally the second-largest yearly expense for families after housing, and better-connecting families to employment and economic prospects, Expanding the availability of low-cost housing in proximity to transportation infrastructure has the potential to mitigate living expenses for families with lower incomes.

 Cities should employ all the tools at their disposal, such as upzoning, better-synchronizing housing and transit planning, and prioritizing housing construction subsidies for buildings with transit access to encourage affordable housing in transit-rich neighborhoods. 

The land owned by transit agencies is an opportunity for creative use in the construction of conveniently located dwellings. For instance, Amazon has teamed up with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to build one thousand low-cost apartments in and around Metro stations.

8, Boost Assistance For Low-Income Homes.

Housing Choice Vouchers are administered by thousands of public housing authorities (PHAs) around the country to assist low-income renters in meeting their monthly housing costs. 

Vouchers help low-income families move into better neighborhoods where they can get by on less money. Landlords’ reluctance to take vouchers as payment has been on the decline, especially in regions with low poverty rates, limiting the program’s effectiveness. 

There is evidence that landlord bias against voucher users contributes to high denial rates, in addition to the actual difficulties of working with PHAs (such as the lengthy inspection procedure). 

Local housing authorities (PHAs) may do a better job of making landlords happy with the Housing Choice Voucher program if they provide landlords with specialized liaisons, customer service hotlines, and training.

 Voucher holders in Marin County, California, saw an uptick in leases upon implementation; the county commenced providing a comprehensive suite of offerings to their tenants, including security deposits, coverage for damage protection, and protection against loss of rent due to vacancy. 

This initiative was undertaken as an effort to enhance the tenants’ experience and provide them with a sense of security and protection. The PHA in Cambridge, MA, like many others, includes damage and vacancy compensation to landlords who accept voucher tenants.

 It also conducts surveys of those landlords to gauge their level of satisfaction with the PHA’s services.

9. Keep and Expand Temporary Housing Aid Programs

To help low-income tenants weather the financial storm brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic and avoid eviction, Congress appropriated $46 billion for emergency rental and utility assistance programs. 

One estimate puts the number of eviction petitions the program and other emergency measures helped avert at 1.36 million. Although the majority of the funds have been dispersed, local governments can continue emergency rental assistance programs by capitalizing on the infrastructure they put in place during the pandemic. 

To help low-income households weather temporary hardships unrelated to COVID-19 and ensure families stay stably housed until they regain financial security, San Antonio, TX, assisted 56,000 homes with federal emergency funds during the pandemic. 

A new rental assistance program will now be funded locally without federal funds. Many low-income Americans will remain precariously financially stable even after the economy rebounds from the epidemic since the cost of rent continues to rise at a faster rate than wages.

10. Compile a List of Available Public Land and Divide it Up For Low-Cost Homes.

Affordable Housing Crisis

A 2016 BPC research suggested that, as a first step in optimizing public land and resources, municipalities compile an exhaustive inventory of all assets, including undeveloped or underutilized land and buildings. 

A 2016 audit in New York City, for instance, uncovered over a thousand city-owned empty grounds, many of which had been fallow for decades. In 2021, the Public Land Advisory Council of Atlanta conducted an asset mapping operation that located 2,023 potential sites for low-cost housing developments. 

The high cost of land can be mitigated by selling or leasing surplus land at a lower price or even receiving it as a donation from the city. Three U.S. jurisdictions support low-income home building on public land.

11. Back Off-Grid Land Trusts

Community land trusts (CLTs) are nonprofit organizations that operate as stewards of property for low-cost housing and are managed by boards of local citizens and public officials. 

The nonprofit acquires and maintains the property and then sells homes on the site to its clients at a discount by sharing ownership of the land value and the dwelling value.

 Forever blocking developers from buying property for costly apartments, nonprofit stewards retain land in a trust to keep prices low even as market rates grow dramatically.

 Municipalities may encourage CLTs to flourish by offering funding, property tax exemptions, and expert guidance. Hundreds of CLTs exist across the United States, each with a track record of helping families, especially those from underrepresented communities, gain financial stability.


1, Why do you think there is a need for more low-cost housing in the USA?

 For starters, when money is tight, it has to go toward the basics, like food and shelter. Second, government regulation and promoting quality can make housing unaffordable.

2, What do you think is the primary barrier to entry for low-cost homes?

There are over 10.8 million low-income families in the United States. Yet, there needs to be more affordable houses for them.

Minimum-wage workers in the U.S. cannot afford a two-bedroom rental.

3, How does the American system for low-cost housing work?

When housing costs are less than 30 percent of a family’s gross income, the federal government considers it affordable.

4, Explain the process by which New York City provides low-cost housing.

Helps persons who qualify for Section 8 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidy program afford a place to live. The rent is 30% of the tenant’s gross monthly income. Due to high demand and limited resources, priority is given to applications received from shelters and other social service organizations.

5, What does the typical American spend on rent or a mortgage each month?

According to the BLS study, the average American household spent $24,298 on housing in 2022, up 7.4 percent from the previous year. One of the housing expenditures for homeowners is property taxes.


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