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Learn How To Keep Your Students Engaged

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  Learn How To Keep Your Students Engaged

    We need more strategies to assist teachers in fostering an environment where students can motivate themselves in the classroom.

Here we will help teachers keep their students engaged and busy and have a perfect classroom environment.

Create Fantastic Connections’

With over twenty-four years of expertise in the field, Chandra Shaw is now a literacy consultant at one of her state’s regional service centers. An amateur YouTuber and TEDx speaker, Chandra says:

                                                Building strong relationship with students making them feel comfortable, demonstrating your care for their learning, and teaching them what they need to know are all effective strategies for creating classroom conditions where students are more likely to motivate themselves.

One strategy I used was to have students begin the year by visualizing the best academic experience they’ve ever had in school. I would have them put in writing and have a conversation about what I could do to make this the finest year of their lives. 

In groups, they would compile the items. 

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I would stroll about the room while they worked, reading what they had written and agreeing with everything they had set down with an “Oh yeah, I can definitely do that.” After the groups presented their lists to the class, we compiled a list of the top 10 items mentioned most frequently.

Every year, students compile wish lists for their teachers, which always include the same things: 

You have to be kind, give them sweets, play games, let students use their phones in class, and teach them the material they need to succeed.”” OK. As I strolled about and listened to their groups, that was my recommendation.

In most cases, they concurred that it was crucial and noted it. Eventually, when the class roster was finalized, and I’d promised them that we’d have the best year ever, I’d let them know what I required from them.

I used the list as a reference throughout the year to see if I was keeping my commitments. 

And if they weren’t checking off my list’s items, I’d let them know that, too. We all showed that WE were in this together and working to make 2018 the best year by returning to our lists. My unwavering commitment to helping the pupils achieve their goals inspired them.

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Inquiring About

Louisville, Kentucky’s public education system employs Irina McGrath, Ph.D., as an assistant principal at Newcomer Academy. She helped make the ELL2.0 Google site, which she helped make. The two Universities of Louisville and Indiana University Southeast employ her as an adjunct lecturer. She also runs the Louisville Writing Project (LWP).

I’ve found from experience that some methods work better than others for getting children, especially ELLs, excited about learning. 

One method is to encourage kids to seek answers to their queries.

 The research shows that queries are really effective. To paraphrase a statement by cognitive scientists: 

“If memory does not ask the question, it will not know where to index the answer” (Bain, 2004);

 They are so crucial that proper learning cannot occur until the right one has been asked. Teachers can do more to pique their students’ interest and keep them actively engaged in class by having them pose questions regarding the material being covered.

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Response Cards

Read Aloud Response Cards are a fantastic approach for encouraging kids to ask questions because it draws their attention to the metacognitive process occurring in their thoughts while they read aloud. 

Students will do activities based on the color of the card they draw from a deck: 

Students using yellow cards come up with questions, green students record connections, red students write a synopsis of the passage, and purple students draw pictures in their heads or on paper as they listen to the text. After finishing the chapter, pupils are divided into groups according to the color of their job completion cards.

 At the end of the session, group representatives share their findings and questions with the other groups. Eventually, ELs’ curiosity will fuel their learning and desire to discover something unique and new once questioning becomes routine and students see they are appreciated and supported.

The choice is another method that fosters environments where students are motivated to push themselves. 

Students respond enthusiastically when given a choice in what to read, what to study, how they will be evaluated, and what they produce as a result of their learning. Each and every one of your students has his or her own learning style.

By allowing students to pick their own path, we allow them to expand upon their strengths while exploring a new area of study in a way that sparks their interest.

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 Consider a final class discussion as an illustration. When given options, students of English can complete this goal in various ways. Students can either make a list of three or more items they learned that day or list three accurate assertions and one lie related to the day’s lesson.

Students can also use an app like Vocaroo or Padlet to record a voice memo with suggestions for improving their performance on the lesson’s task. Students can contribute to the class’s understanding of the course by making a two-minute video or sketch.

Overall, It’s more likely that students will be engaged in their studies. When they are given some degree of control over their education and can pursue their own interests in the classroom. Giving them agency over their work and space to ask questions is a great way to boost their self-assurance and motivation.

“Freedom of Option”

The Possible Zone is an initiative to promote economic justice through youth entrepreneurship and work-based learning. Chief Learning Officer for the company is Dr. Meg Riordan. She has devoted nearly 30 years to education, working in various settings from secondary and tertiary education to research, coaching school administrators, school design, and network leadership.

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Many Things Can Influence Students.

‘ Motivation and engagement, but it’s crucial to build rapport with them, set clear goals, let them know what’s expected of them, play to their strengths, give them some control over their learning, and so on. These strategies may help children develop a lifelong appreciation for education.

A poll of students from over 3,000 schools before the pandemic showed a gradual fall in motivation and involvement from fifth graders (who reported an engagement level of about 75%) to high school seniors (who reported an engagement level of roughly 33%). There was a drop to 33%. Take another look at the number. 

However, there is still cause for hope despite this bleak statistic: There are two sources of inspiration and commitment: If a student “strongly agreed” that their school was “asset- and strengths-based” and “strongly agreed” that they had “at least one teacher who made them excited about the future.”

Then that student was 30 times more likely to be engaged than a student who disagreed with both items. A Search Institute study found that students were more motivated and goal-oriented when they reported feeling accepted and at home at school.

Students’ lack of motivation has been exacerbated by developments since the epidemic, including the rise of online education, greater isolation from classmates, tougher economic times, and uncomfortable discussions about race and racism.

How can educators create classroom settings where students find motivation from the inside and maintain interest despite these challenges? I research how to keep kids motivated, engaged, and supported.


First and foremost, get to know your students and discover where they shine.

Positive developmental relationships have been shown to increase academic motivation, social-emotional development and learning, and a sense of responsibility in children and adolescents. 

“developmental relationships” refers to “intimate ties through which young people learn about themselves, develop the skills to direct their own lives, and acquire the confidence to participate actively in and make a difference in the world.” 

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The Following is an Example of How This Might Play Out in a School Setting:

Make spaces for students to share their unique perspectives. Teachers can get to know their students better and build on their strengths by starting the year with a project where students create self-portraits or profile silhouettes and contribute words, symbols, and photographs representing what they find important in life.

 The ability to connect with and inspire our students stems from a deep understanding of each individual. Teachers can schedule two-minute interviews at various points in the school year, during which students can share their thoughts on a topic close to their hearts (such as the worst pizza in town or why Serena Williams is the best athlete of all time).

Establish rigorous expectations, consult your students to ascertain what those expectations are, and then strive to surpass them. The dynamic evolves to one in which both parties profit when professors make their expectations clear and encourage students to communicate about what they desire.

School designs like EL Education push students and educators to collaborate on creating and refining norms and provide regular opportunities to assess whether they have adopted and are meeting these standards.

“Increase the practicality making them feel comfortable, racticality of learning and individual choice”

Teachers can get pupils excited and invested in learning by encouraging them to have hope for their futures. For students to visualize themselves in the future, it is necessary to stimulate their self-concept and give them chances to develop self-efficacy and agency.

 Keeping this in Mind, Consider the Following:

Create Art that Real People Will See:

 Providing students with the opportunity to conduct original research on real-world issues, conduct expert interviews, and conduct hands-on fieldwork has boosted student engagement and academic achievement.

Teachers may feel restricted by standards, but there are ways to find creative solutions that still allow for incorporating significant projects. Start small by having kids practice interview questions and techniques, or go all out with an initiative like The Possible Zone, which teams students with local experts to solve pressing issues through creative problem-solving. High Tech High presents students with finished projects as examples to follow.

Make student voice a priority in the classroom: 

Students benefit greatly from increased decision-making skills when given more freedom and responsibility in the classroom. Students can enter the classroom in a variety of ways, including by deciding where to sit, “how” to study (e.g., reading, listening to podcasts, interviewing an expert), and what to learn about (e.g., demonstrating research and synthesis skills through a topic determined by student interest).

When creating or co-designing a classroom with students, teachers should ask themselves, “Where can I offer productive choices?” You should “sit where you’re most comfortable” or “choose a seat where you’ll be most engaged,” a teacher would urge students. Students have the opportunity to reconsider their original predictions and choices.

In a Classroom Setting

In Chicago, Andrew Sharos is an educator, administrator, speaker, and writer. His Amazon best-seller, All 4s, and 5s, is now required reading for instructors of exceptionally gifted students. His most recent work, co-authored with another writer, is titled Finding Lifelines:

Students’ motivation greatly depends on the environment of the classroom.

 We aim to create a classroom where students are so interested in learning that they can’t wait for class to start each day. Teachers who can keep their pupils’ interest by providing new and interesting activities daily are more likely to be successful.

I’m a big fan of using the theater, courtyard, lawn, and hallways as learning destinations for my kids. By moving classes out of the traditional classroom setting, teachers can discourage students from becoming bored with the same old routine.

Weekend Monday, Thankfulness Wednesday, Joke Thursday, and Cookie Friday are some of my favorite weekly themes. 

Having some friendly banter at the beginning of each session may waste a few minutes, but it will be well spent if the students are more engaged for the entire hour. These are the highlights of the course for both the instructor and the students.

It’s the teacher’s responsibility to develop a more intimate topic of conversation when students aren’t paying attention. The responsibility for a student’s interest in attending class may lie with the teacher. This is impossible outside of a secure, affectionate partnership.

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At Times, This Might be a Tedious Procedure.

 There was one student with whom I just couldn’t connect. When I recited a line from “Ace Ventura” in front of the class, she was the only one who got it. From then on, we developed a strong friendship. The weaker members of our group need to have their commitment gradually eroded away. Students need to feel like they know us as people, not just as teachers, to be invested in learning.

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