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Burnout Negative Effects on Our Lives

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Burnout Negative Effects on Our Lives

 The risk of burnout is rising, but there are measures you can take to save yourself. Work and personal life have merged into one another. For many of us, our social interactions and settings have shifted as we have worked longer hours and/or cared for children throughout the day.

This issue has worsened after the outbreak. We polled working adults in the U.K. In March 2021, we surveyed 2,099 individuals to find out how they feel about burnout and what factors they believe lead to it.

So, What Exactly is Burnout?

A feeling of burnout may be hard to put into words. However, it should not be treated as a medical issue. “physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion,” together with “decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes towards oneself and others,” is how the American Psychological describes burnout.

Crossing the threshold from “really tired” to “too exhausted to function” can be a sign of burnout, but you may not recognize it until it’s too late. On the other hand, you could be the person who thrives on activity and has a hard time remembering when you’ve taken on too much.

A person who is accustomed to travelling at 100 mph but suddenly lets up on the gas will continue travelling at 85 mph, according to Dr Borland. However, if you’re used to travelling at a rate of 100 miles per hour, you may believe it needs to be improved.

 There may be occasions when you need to increase your speed, but maintaining a constant 100 mph will be impossible.

Misalignment between your professional and personal life can also lead to burnout. Since the advent of remote work and pervasive technological advancements, this has become increasingly widespread.

Dr. Borland has observed that many people struggle to “draw the line” between their personal and professional lives. Finding that sweet spot has been challenging. The stress of daily life, combined with the unknown impact of COVID-19, is draining our ability to cope.


The Evolution of the Concept of Burnout

It’s possible that some version of what we now term burnout has been there since the beginning of time. For instance, the legends of Moses and Elijah provide chillingly familiar depictions of burnout, as did the studies of Zrazhevskaya et al. (2020). 

In addition, there are several historical instances, such as Hippocrates’s writings on weariness, accounts of the Trojan War, and the emergence of “burnout-like” problems in ancient Roman and Greek societies.

The term “burnout,” however, was first used in print in Freudenberger’s research on employee burnout (Freudenberger, 1974).

 He identified physical symptoms such as exhaustion and fatigue as well as behavioural symptoms such as frustration, anger, a suspicious attitude, a feeling of omnipotence or overconfidence, cynicism, and signs of depression (Heinemann & Heinemann, 2017). 

“A three-dimensional syndrome characterized by exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy” is how Maslach and Jackson (1976) described burnout syndrome (Lastovkova et al., 2018).

Our minds were not built for the complexities of today’s office. It is an undeniable fact that workers are constantly in a state of “fight or flight”, and this issue must be addressed immediately due to the pressure to perform and the emotional need to establish one’s value at work (Robson, n.d.).

Demerouti et al. (2008) provided a more contemporary clinical definition of “burnout” as a “psychological state of exhaustion stemming from persistent exposure to stressors while lacking sufficient resources to efficiently cope with such stressors.” 

Interestingly, there’s so much dispute around burnout and who it affects. However, some corporate executives reject this idea and instead try to romanticize the excessive work cultures they’ve created at the expense of their employee’s mental and physical well-being.


Who Exactly is in Danger of Experiencing Burnout?

Since the word has been broken down into its component parts, there has been considerable fuzziness regarding what burnout is and who it really affects.

Extremely divergent opinions exist on burnout syndrome, with points of contention including whether or not it should be recognized as a mental condition, whether or not it is akin to depression, and how best to quantify it.

Being Able to Recognize the Signs

While burnout and depression may have some overlap in terms of symptoms and causes, they are nonetheless viewed as separate disorders (Bianchi et al., 2017).

 Researchers Tavella and Parker (2020) found that 

“burnout was associated with higher functioning, less effect on self-esteem, less suicidal ideation, more hopeful states than depression, and characterized by anxious and activated states with feelings of heaviness and slowness.” 

For this reason, psychologist Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter discusses the somatology of burnout in her blog article titled “The Tell-Tale Signs of Burnout: Do You Have Them?” Other symptoms of burnout include persistent tiredness and sleeplessness.

Symptoms of Burnout

The physical, mental, and emotional manifestations of burnout vary significantly from person to person.


A big sign of burnout is feeling too tired all the time. You may feel like sleeping constantly or that even the simplest of jobs may drag on and on. According to Dr. Borland, these emotions have been amplified by the widespread spread of COVID-19. 

“People are really struggling to balance work and parenting responsibilities,” he adds. “For example, dealing with children and virtual schooling and navigating situations where. Frankly, there’s no blueprint.”

Anti Procrastination Plan

Being Unmotivated and Unhappy at Work

Everybody has those days when they just don’t feel like getting up and going to work. When these emotions last for a long time, they become problematic. 

  • “There’s this ‘What’s the point?’
  •  Feeling among many of the folks I deal with. Is what I’m doing making a meaningful impact? 
  • Do I still take pleasure in this? 
  • Am I really doing anything, or am I simply pretending? 
  • You’re not enjoying your current position.

Dr. Borland explains that this category includes workers at any point in their careers. “I see people that are new to their field, perhaps right out of college,” he explains.

 “But there are also those who have been working in the same field for 30 years or more and are suddenly asking themselves, ‘I don’t know how much longer I can do this or want to do this.'”


Dr. Borland states that burnout is associated with tension headaches. “Many of my patients suffer from severe headaches.”

Modifying One’s Eating Habits or Sleeping Schedule

As a species, we are highly habitual, so any disruption to our usual routines should raise red flags. That’s precisely what happens when you become burnt out. They will always be on the lookout for shifts in sleeping habits, he says.

 And have there been any notable dietary shifts? 

Eating more (or less) than usual, or not keeping to a healthy diet, might be the cause of this. Another indicator might be a need for more (or less) sleep than usual or a shift in your regular sleeping schedule.

Narcissisim Personality Disorder

Can Burnout be Equated With Mental Illness?

The signs of burnout are so pervasive that they are easily mistaken for those of other, more severe illnesses; 

I understand that mood disorders can be a delicate subject. It is essential to recognize that they are a category of mental health conditions that have the potential to significantly affect one’s overall well-being.

 It is necessary to recognize their impact and seek appropriate treatment to address them effectively.

The symptoms of burnout and depression are often similar, as Dr. Borland points out. However, burnout is not a diagnosable mental health disease, but depression is.

Not only is there this other distinction. Unlike depression, which may affect anybody at any time, burnout usually occurs in reaction to external factors, such as working longer hours than usual or dealing with a stressful event. 

“Depression does not have to be in response to one specific trigger,” Dr. Borland notes. Is it true that you feel that you have no control over improving certain parts of your life? In contrast to burnout, the causes of which may sometimes be isolated, depression tends to have more systemic roots.

He also notes that depression’s symptoms are more universal. “Say you’re depressed, and you decide to take a vacation at a villa in the South of France,” Dr. Borland suggests. “You’re going to take those depressive symptoms with you,” they said.

However, if you’re experiencing burnout, a trip to the same villa may leave you feeling very different. He says that if you are able to “detach from work or whatever it is that is causing the burnout,” you will be able to really appreciate and unwind on your vacation. “You probably won’t if you’re feeling depressed.”

The Way Out of Burnout


The first step towards overcoming burnout is frequently realizing that it has set in. Dr. Borland warns that the signs of burnout may not be immediately apparent.

 “Once burnout has set in, that’s when you may remark, ‘Something is truly odd here.’ That’s because we’ve been accustomed to travelling at a rate of about 110 kilometres per hour. However, you may take actionable measures to put yourself back on the right track.

Maintain a Healthy State of Mind.

Seeing a therapist as a first step in combating burnout is standard advice. “We frequently discuss the idea of our petrol tanks being on empty,” adds Dr Borland. And in therapy, we aim to zero in on strategies for doing just that. 

In these trying times, having a confidential place to talk to someone who isn’t a relative, friend, employee, or neighbour but is nonetheless objective and qualified to offer clinical input can be a game-changer.

A therapist may be interested in learning about your current situation as one of the initial steps in treatment. Suppose you’re having trouble sleeping, eating, or focusing on work because you’re so anxious about an upcoming presentation. In that case, that’s a red flag, according to Dr. Borland.

Schedule Time Off and Self-Assessments Regularly.

 Taking breaks is a great approach to combat burnout. According to Dr Borland, Let’s prioritize our health by removing stressors and embracing positive habits. Each of us has to ask, “How am I doing emotionally?” on a regular basis (if not hourly). What’s the state of my body right now?


To combat burnout, finding the motivation to exercise has many positive effects on health. Physical activity is helpful in dealing with “regardless of how much energy you may have on a given day” and that it doesn’t have to include going to the gym. 

Getting in shape doesn’t have to involve leaving the house. In reality, all it takes is a few minutes of exercise every day.

Be Present and Aware.

Mindfulness is predicated on the practice of paying attention to the current moment with as little mental distraction as possible. Taking several deep breaths can help.

 The benefit of deep breathing exercises is that they make us concentrate on only the inhale and the exhale. By doing so, you and I are bringing our attention to the present. Again, this is something you can do whenever and wherever suits you. 

He explains, “It’s easy to do, and it doesn’t require any equipment.” You might be practising intensive breathing exercises, and no one will even notice. But the benefits may be fantastic if done well.

Set Up a Regular Schedule.

As the lines between business and personal life continue to blur, it can be challenging to maintain clear distinctions between the two. However, the need to have a regular regimen that includes appropriate sleep, nutrition, and non-work time. 

“It’s crucial to be able to say, ‘Okay, I’ve put in a full day. “I’ve reached a point where I need to press pause and focus on the social and leisurely aspects of my life.

However, it takes effort to establish and maintain healthy limits. One helpful method is to set an alarm for a certain period, after which you should cease working.

 One more strategy that might help you see what has to be done is writing it down. “write things down” in order to “break things down into small, achievable goals.” That’s a great way to look at things. Those tasks can be completed during the day.

Set and Uphold Boundaries Between Your Job Life and Personal Life.

 One reason people become burned out on the job is because they have a hard time saying no. “It’s hard to set limits when technology is such a big part of the workplace today. 

You can reach us at any time of day or night. It’s always been challenging to switch off from work, but with the proliferation of virtual platforms, it’s become nearly impossible.

Work exhaustion is a tricky problem, no doubt. It’s unlikely that you can just up and quit your work, so you’ll just have to learn to live with it. Discussing problems with higher-ups in the company if possible. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you have the chance to have a conversation with a higher-up in your organization, such as your boss or their manager, It’s important to make sure your thoughts, concerns, and ideas are heard by them. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by. This can be a great way to not only build a stronger relationship with your superiors but also to improve the overall productivity and success of the organization. 

That is ideal,” Dr. Borland adds. I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll be able to make some adjustments to their routine that will prove beneficial.

To which I reply, “But not everyone has that opportunity,” he says. Therefore, keep in mind that caring for your physical and mental health is essential. If things go genuinely crazy, it’s on me to think of a solution.

Dig Into a Pastime.

Hey there! If you’re feeling unhappy in your current job, consider exploring new hobbies, volunteering opportunities, or joining clubs. These activities can be a great way to bring some extra joy and fulfilment into your life, and who knows, you might even discover a new passion!

 Prevent Burnout

 Even though it may seem impossible at the time, you can get over burnout. It’s not easy. “It boils down to setting meaningful daily routines and creating and maintaining boundaries. You must prioritize your health and well-being. Without neglecting the responsibilities of your job or your personal life.”

If you sense your life becoming out of whack, you may take a break and readjust your behaviours once you’ve learned to recognize the signs of burnout.

 You’ll be able to say, “You know what, I remember how horrible it felt the last time I dealt with this. I need to get better at striking a healthy balance between allowing others in and protecting my own space. I don’t want to put myself through it again.”

Keeping in touch with your friends and family is another way to prevent burnout. Learning how to communicate is another benefit of treatment. You might not be bottling up your feelings as much as you used to.

It’s about striking a balance. People frequently view caring for themselves as selfish because of the stigma attached to it. In fact, it’s not at all. If you want to be the greatest friend, husband, parent, or child you can be, you need to take care of yourself first. 

You can’t be the kind of person you want to be to these people in your life if you’re running on empty.

More Ways to Prevent Exhaustion

The preceding infographic should serve as a helpful reminder, but here are a few more things to keep in mind while tackling burnout.

Schedule some downtime into your day., recommends scheduling some “me” time each week. “That little grey block of time you schedule in your Outlook calendar allows for refocusing and re-centring and can make a big difference in overall productivity.”

Integrate new things into your routine proactively. The cumulative impact of “cyclic sameness,” or the daily repeating of the same tasks, is a significant contributor to burnout. 

Making a change to your routine might be beneficial. It may seem counterproductive, but trying something entirely new for a short period can help bring your life back into harmony. In the spring, you go on a bike ride; in the summer, you take Aikido lessons; and in the autumn, you sit down and meditate.

Accept and embrace your limits. Whether it’s accepting every assignment at work, scheduling too many meetings for a single day, or thinking that more is always better, it’s important to recognize when you’ve taken on too much.

Use life’s little breaks as a rest stop. Getting away from your regular routine and experiencing life in a new setting, such as on a day trip or vacation from work, may do wonders for your state of mind.

It’s a simple equation: action precedes inspiration. Burnout may leave you feeling uninspired to make any of these changes. But sometimes, the most significant rule of thumb is to just do it without worrying about how to get involved or become motivated. Get started doing it now, before you have time to overthink it.

Learn to accept assistance. Sometimes, we allow our pride to get in the way, yet when we’re exhausted, pride is the last thing we need. Knowing that you have the support of your loved ones, friends, coworkers, professors, and even your employer is crucial. Being so selfless will end up costing you in the end. Communicate your requirements openly and precisely.

With burnout on the increase, it’s more important than ever to keep a close eye on how you’re feeling and spending your time each day.

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