Here are the Five Parenting Styles We’re Embracing in 2023
Compared to 2020, most of us can agree that this year was a massive improvement in being a parent. Parents heaved a (minimal) sigh of relief after vaccines were widely distributed and classroom instruction was brought back to the fore.
However, we can’t ignore that the past year has been incredibly challenging because we’ve been responsible for tiny human beings. So, we’re prepared for a more robust and secure 2023. Here are the five parenting styles we’re looking forward to in the coming year (and the ones we’re glad to see go).
Five Parenting Styles
These five parenting styles are what we will look at in trend in 2023. We will become more good parents compared to the past.
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1, Men Who Want Family Leave
Rather than being a given, we can’t believe we have to avail it as a trend.
Still, the lack of a federal system of paid parental leave in the United States, even though it has the explicit support of women across the country, means that others, specifically men, need to speak up for it.
(It is worth recalling that men make up nearly 75% of the Senate and House.) This point is made clear in an opinion piece published recently.
As one mother put it, “I’m angry that we still have to tell these stories, that we still have to play out our weakness and physical wounds to persuade some lawmakers. More fathers and men in general need to speak out in favor of paid family leave policies to sway the opinions of many American voters.
The New York Times
Recently, the New York Times published an article outlining the positive outcomes of paid leave for young families, such as improved parent-child relationships and a decrease in the rate of divorce. (Again, we find this rather self-evident, but whatever.) To quote one proponent of paid parental leave
: “Most dads want to do their part, be there for their kids, and have a successful professional life in addition to being devoted family men.”
Justice correspondent for The Nation Elie Mystal told MSNBC.
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Therefore, everyone can agree that paid parental leave is a good idea.
Given the current uncertainty surrounding the fate of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better Act, which ican facilitate parents for four weeks of paid family and medical leave, now is the time for everyone, including men, to make their voices heard.

2, Using TikTok as a Sanctuary
The second trend in the five parenting styles is Using TikTok as a Sanctuary Have you tried TikTok? As parents, no other social media app has brought us as happiness and togetherness as this one. The first is the excellent comedic material, such as when parents act like their children or reveal the best white lie they’ve ever told their children (we’re stealing that star trick).
a, But Beyond the Jokes,
This year, we’ve learned some incredible parenting hacks from TikTok. We’ve also witnessed underrepresented communities using the platform to share their honest experiences parenting foster children, children with special needs, and miscarriages.
According to recent studies, TikTok users tend to exhibit higher levels of vulnerability and openness when we compared it with the users on other social media platforms, such as Instagram. This could possibly be attributed to the unique video-focused format of TikTok, which encourages users to showcase their authentic selves and share personal experiences with their followers.
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b, According to Jennifer Tzeses’s PsyCom Article,
TikTok is a platform that provides a window into people’s lives, with content that is often unfiltered and raw. It’s a place where creators are open about their struggles and challenges, and share them with their audience in an effort to connect and inspire. From mental health issues to relationship problems, the content on TikTok is as diverse as its user base, and provides a fascinating glimpse into the human experience.
Also, the platform features a wide variety of authentic and approachable content centered on families. Since more than a billion people are using TikTok at any given time, you can relax and be comforted in the knowledge that you are not experiencing any parenting challenges you may be facing.
In the coming year, we hope to spend even more time scrolling and connecting with these raw, real-life experiences that can be both heartbreaking and hilarious.
c, Dr. Elanna Yalow
Chief Academic Officer at KinderCare Education, predicts that 2022 will herald a greater focus on children’s coping skills in response to the growing public dialogue about children’s experiences with trauma.
She says that children are more likely to experience feelings of isolation and depression due to changes in their daily routines, less frequent contact with extended family and friends, and increased parental stress.
Amid the current pandemic, it has become increasingly apparent that the number of children and adolescents struggling with depression and anxiety has doubled significantly. For many parents, this is a cause for concern, as they have observed the adverse impact that the current circumstances have had on their child’s mental health.
It is crucial that we provide the requisite support and resources to help alleviate their distress and ensure their overall well-being during these challenging times. This was reported in a study published in JAMA Pediatrics.
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In 2022,
“We hope to see a focus on rebuilding a sense of community in schools and among parents and families, establishing support networks, and providing children with consistency and normalcy,” the authors write.
Please don’t cancel classes any longer (for the love of God)! We anticipate that this trend toward increased discussion of issues related to people’s mental and social well-being will continue into 2022. Surely the health of your child trumps the importance of teaching them trigonometry.
3, It’s the Memories That Matter, Not the Material Possessions.

According to a survey by the software company Adobe, giving experiences rather than material goods was a trend during the most recent holiday season.
While 51% of respondents intend to buy material goods for their loved ones this holiday season, 17% report intending to give “an experience” instead.
According to CNBC,’s chief marketing manager Migle Rakauskaite, who says that the pandemic has increased demand for travel experience gifts on the website, said that the website has seen a surge in traffic as a result of the outbreak.
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“Gift-giving customs are evolving,” she remarked.
It appears that people place a premium on spending time with one another and having purposeful interactions.
“Experiencing is far more valuable than material possessions.
Look, we’re not here to pass judgment; like many other parents, we bought our children a lot of unnecessary toys during the pandemic. After being left alone and confused, kids are entitled to some lighthearted distractions. But as we look forward to better times, we will value experiences like travel, time with loved ones, and simply getting out of the freaking house more than we value possessions.
Are you searching for some motivation?
For children, nothing beats an experience, and we have 41 unique ones to choose from.
4, Added Veggies Absolutely, Without a Doubt
Though you may have a hard time even getting your picky eater to try a green pea, 2022 may be the year that changes. Those are the words of the chefs and registered dietitians at Chartwells K12, a company that designs unique school lunch programs for 4,500 institutions across the United States.
They say that protein alternatives and vegetarian options will take center stage because today’s youth places a premium on their own and the planet’s well-being.
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That’s Not Surprising,
Considering that the Institute of Food Technologists predicts that sales of plant-based dairy products will hit $5.2 billion by 2024 and that 25% of adults report eating more plant protein this year than last. Given the trend toward plant-based diets at home, it stands to reason that schools would do the same.
Foods with vegetarian or flexitarian twists, such as veggie burgers, watermelon edamame poke, kung pao tofu stir fry, and vegetarian sweet potato and white bean chili, are becoming increasingly popular in schools.
(However, whether or not this preference for vegetarian fare includes your green bean casserole is not entirely clear.)
Cross-Examination of Different Diets
5,Involve Children in Your Travel Plans.

After visiting every park, playground, and hidden neighborhood corner, parents are ready to get out of town and let their children make the decisions. In the wake of the pandemic, half of the families polled by Vrbo said they would be more likely to let their children choose the destination of their next family vacation.
More parents are allowing their children to miss school for vacation (43%), and bookings for stays of 21-30 days have increased by 68% on Vrbo.
Will you be meeting me at Disney World?
People plan to make up for a lost time by traveling more in 2022. However, because children younger than 5 years old are expected to become eligible for the vaccine in the first half of 2022, there may be a significant uptick in family travel at the end of the year.
The order of our initial destinations is as follows.
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And We Are Giving Up
Don’t get us wrong; the last couple of years have been made much easier thanks to the convenience of Zoom calls with grandma and telehealth appointments. But we’re tired of online meetups and need to reconnect with real-world friends (if it’s safe to do so).
Mother figure CEO Chelsea Allison predicted last year that “providers, ranging from lactation consultants to physical therapists to doulas, all adapting and embracing digital platforms, taking them to practice virtual—and national for the first time” in 2021.
There’s indeed a plethora of resources for parents who have access to the internet.
However, let’s face facts:
We prefer in-person help to remote help when we have a terrible case of aches and pains or are performing child labor. Many practices have resumed providing in-person care, and we can only hope that the low transmission and high vaccination rates will continue to increase this trend in 2022.
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