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What is Emotional Intelligence? Here are 13 Highly Emotional Intelligence Phrases to Use In Your Daily Routine for the Best Communication Skill,

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What is Emotional Intelligence? Here are 13 Highly Emotional Intelligence Phrases to Use In Your Daily Routine for the Best Communication Skill,



An individual with high emotional intelligence (EI) can effectively deal with stressful situations, communicate with others, show empathy, face and conquer obstacles and avoid or resolve conflicts without resorting to negative emotional behaviour.

In terms of assertiveness, stress tolerance, self-regard, and confidence, women have been demonstrated to be more emotionally intelligent than men. Relationship building, academic achievement, and professional and personal fulfilment are all aided by high emotional IQ. One possible explanation for the leadership gender gap is that males are more confident.

The gender disparity in leadership may be partially explained by the fact that men, on average, have higher scores than women on tests of assertiveness, stress tolerance, and self-regard.

However, research shows that women generally have a higher emotional IQ than men. Happiness, self-respect, and reduced anxiety and depression levels all go up as EQ goes up.

In contrast, unhealthy lifestyle decisions and actions go down as EQ goes down. Self-awareness, emotional regulation, empathy, and social competence are all areas where women typically outperform men.

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Are you naturally good at making friends?

Being emotionally intelligent means being in tune with your feelings and those around you.

Studies have demonstrated that this is a handy resource. Relationship building, dispute resolution, and contentment in one’s career are areas where emotional intelligence can be used.

Can we Generalize About the Emotional Intelligence of Men and Women?

Whenever I give a speech, I ask the audience this identical question. Let me ask:

“How many of you think men are more emotionally intelligent than women?”

Typically, just 10% of the audience will raise their hands;

Occasionally, no hands will go up, accompanied by much laughter. I respond, “How many of you think women are more emotionally intelligent than men?” Usually, at least 90% of the audience will volunteer to raise their hands.

The general public agrees that women have higher emotional intelligence because women are more likely to show their emotions than males. Millions of people worldwide have taken emotional EI tests, and the results reveal that both sexes score similarly.

So, what exactly is EI, or emotional quotient? Effective and meaningful use of emotional information to guide thinking and action is typically Emotional intelligence is

“A top communication skill, the selection of words, we express ourselves in such a way through which the others impress highly, and we achieve our goal in every field, and in every challenge of life.

Your interpersonal abilities, to put it simply. How well you give company with others and have fun in the sandbox directly reflects this. Some of you may be familiar with emotional intelligence (EI), while others may not.

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However, the requisite abilities are not referred to as EI because they are so obviously present in our everyday activities.

The fact that emotional intelligence has been related to achievement in the workplace, personal relationships, and leadership roles is fascinating to me. Regardless of intelligence, those with higher EIs tend to achieve more success than their less-empathetic peers.

Let us return to the issue of gender.

Even though both sexes, men and women, have the same EI on average, the two sexes have distinct gender-specific EI abilities and competencies. Women are statistically more likely to outperform males in areas like empathy, interpersonal connections, and social responsibility, as I pointed out in my book The Power of Perception:

Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and the Gender Divide. Assertiveness, stress tolerance, and self-regard (or confidence) are all traits in which men typically outperform women.

These differences may contribute to the leadership gender gap, according to recent studies of emotional intelligence. Men tend to benefit more from these disparities in the workplace than women.

It’s no secret that males and females have fundamentally different brain architecture (or neuroanatomy). These distinctions necessitate fundamental adjustments in our ways of thinking and behaving. While genetics also certainly play a role in shaping our identities, socialization, or learning to behave in a way acceptable to society, can be much more influential.

Throughout our lives, we receive countless overt and subtle cues about how we should act. The people closest to us, including parents, relatives, friends, teachers, coaches, media outlets, the media themselves, and even toys, can all serve as conduits for such messages.

From an early age, boys are conditioned to view competition, confidence, assertiveness, decisiveness, and even aggression as desirable traits. Boys are socialized to value competition and success above all else.

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Growing up as a girl today significantly differs from growing up as a boy. Girls are taught to be sensitive to the needs of others, to express their feelings, to work well with others, and to have empathy. Girls learn that participating and building meaningful connections are more important than winning.

Boys learn the foundational skills to become confident and assertive in these early classes. Young women begin learning to empathize and build meaningful connections with others. These ingrained habits and worldviews are reinforced throughout our lives, from childhood until maturity.

Therefore, women excel at EI traits like empathy and interpersonal relationships, while men excel at assertiveness and confidence. Socialization demands how we should move in society are a defined way, and we can’t escape from this; our hard-wired neurobiological also plays a role.

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What does its relationship with management and leadership, though?

Most of us picture a man when we think of a leader. The words “competitive,” “confident,” “assertive,” “decisive,” and “independent” come to mind. Empathy, a focus on others, excellent communication skills, collaboration, and assistance are rarely cited as leadership qualities. This prejudice is known as agentic leader traits.

Leadership qualities are typically associated with masculine norms and stereotypes, valid for both men and women.

The socialization process has created the notion that characteristics typically associated with men are also characteristics of influential leaders. Since it is believed that leaders should be aggressive, competent, and assertive, women in leadership roles are expected to exhibit these attributes.

The problem is that the classic double standard benefits men because agentic activity is considered less acceptable in women. Female leaders face unique challenges in finding an effective leadership style due to the conflicting demands of satisfying the demand for communal traits in women and the demand for agentic qualities in leaders.

Experts in psychology claim that you have a greater level of emotional intelligence than most people if you regularly utilize the following 13 phrases:

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1, “Could You Tell Me More About That?”

Those who are entirely self-absorbed care solely about their own opinions. However, those who are emotionally intelligent are curious about the thoughts and experiences of others.

Use your communication skills to push others to share their thoughts and experiences, and then use the insights they provide.

2, “I Hear You.”

When you show someone you get them, it creates a cooperative atmosphere for establishing teams.

Words like “I got it, what you mean” and “I get what you’re driving at” are good ways to show that you’ve listened carefully and encourage further discussion.

3, I Get What You’re Trying to Express, But.

As this term highlights, emotional intelligence includes dealing diplomatically with challenging individuals and situations.

It’s essential to avoid becoming confrontational even if you disagree with someone. The objective is to facilitate an approach that both parties can accept.

4, When Asked, “How Do You Feel About That?”

To make someone feel valued and appreciated, listening carefully, taking in what they’re saying, and trying to put yourself in their shoes are essential. Try to empathize with the speaker as much as possible as you listen.

5, I Need Help to Understand What the Problem Is. Please Elaborate on the Issue

When someone uses this phrase, you know they’re experiencing trouble and can choose to either react badly or invite them to express their views.

Alternatively, you could say, “What I’m hearing from you is that [X],” which is quite similar to asking, “Can you clarify that for me?” Is that correct?

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6, “What Do You Mean?”

Requesting someone’s clarification means you want them to explain themselves further or use alternative words so you can fully grasp what they’re saying. This is different from making a formal request repetition.

7, Excellent Work!

Expressing gratitude may do wonders. It recognizes the efforts and successes of others.

When you compliment someone, you instantly put them in a good mood. 

Others are more likely to value you if you express gratitude for their help.

8, You’re Both Right. Let’s Figure Out a Way to Collaborate.

This statement can help you navigate sensitive situations gracefully and tactfully by allowing other perspectives to be heard and understood.

It will be a better way to find a solution after getting everyone to open up about their worries. Conflict resolution skills are becoming recognized as a hallmark of emotional intelligence.

9. “Please Give Me Your Thoughts on This.”

The comparable “Can I get some advice from you?” in addition to “May I bother you for your opinion?” and “Do you mind if I ask for some input?” is priceless.

You’ve earned another person’s admiration by helping them feel proud of themselves.

10. “I’m Worried [or Confused or Upset] About This Situation.”

Emotionally intelligent people look at the bigger picture when there’s an issue rather than blaming the person who started it.

This avoids placing blame on anyone or making them feel defensive. You’re not passive-hostile or combative when conveying your feelings about what happened.

11, One More Time: “I Feel This Way About…”

Emotional intelligence means being understanding of your feelings as they occur. 

Opening up about how you’re feeling and what you’ve experienced brings others closer to you and inspires them to do the same. 

12,”I’m Sorry.”

People who have high on the emotional intelligence scale tend to have a good eye for humility. It’s okay to apologize if you screw up. Admit your guilt and offer sincere regret to the person you have wronged.

13, “Thank You!”

Remember the “magic words” your teacher taught you when you were little? The use of “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome” is universally lauded.

Studies show that good manners are unfortunately on the decline. Being courteous demonstrates a high level of EI and raises your status in the eyes of others around you.

To What Effect?

Transform your mental image of a leader first. The characteristics of influential leaders should be more broadly conceived. Why can’t they show some compassion? The ability to lead, analyze data, and rally a group toward a common purpose is maintained by this quality. What are their social responsibility and support capacities? How do they fare as a team player?

Second, it’s helpful to remember that only some men or women conform to the aforementioned gender-based EI patterns. Everyone has their strong points, and the good news is that you can improve your general level of emotional intelligence with some thought and work. Unlike personality traits or intelligence, EI can develop in both sexes as they age.

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Wider Repercussions

  • Kids have better relationships with others because of their emotional intelligence, which correlates positively with positive social interactions and relationships and negatively with anti-social behaviour, as reported by the kids, their families, and their teachers.
  • Adults with higher levels of emotional intelligence have more positive relationships with their peers and report feeling more confident in their social abilities.
  • People with high EI are viewed favourably by those around them. These people are considered friendlier, more sociable, and more empathetic than the average person.
  • Improved grades. As reported by instructors, emotional intelligence has been linked to better academic performance, although this is not necessarily the case after IQ is considered.
  • We have improved workplace relationships and bargaining skills.

Improved health and happiness Emotional intelligence has been linked to a more optimistic outlook, greater confidence, and less anxiety and depression. It’s also linked unfavourably to decisions and actions that put one’s health at risk.

Cross-Phenomenological Interactions


Aggression, harassment, and physical assault are all forms of bullying in peer groups. Those in traditional roles over the victim tend to engage in bullying repeatedly. EI and bullying have a strong connection, as evidenced by a growing corpus of studies.

They have also shown that emotional intelligence significantly affects health and social adjustment, making it a crucial aspect in investigating cases of cyber victimization.

Work Output

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The most up-to-date meta-analysis on the topic of EI and professional success found significant associations. Some studies have identified a good effect between EI and job performance, whereas others have found either no or inconsistent relationship.

In response, researchers Cote and Miners proposed a compensatory model between EI and work, which holds that contrary to what was initially academic performance, where it was proposed (Petrides, Frederickson, & Furnham). a positive association between EI and job performance emerges as cognitive intelligence declines.

Previous research found that when individuals with low  EI were compensated with higher EI, they showed improved task performance and organizational citizenship behaviour that benefited the organization. It has also been noted that emotional intelligence and attitude-behaviour at work are not significantly related.


Several research has attempted to investigate the connection between EI and effective leadership. Although emotional intelligence (EI) contributes positively to leadership success, a leader’s actions in the role are more important than their interpersonal skills and abilities.

In the past, a good leader issued directives and maintained control over the organization. However, modern leaders are held to a higher standard and are expected to motivate their teams to achieve extraordinary results by creating an environment of openness and friendship.


Emotional intelligence has been linked to improved psychological and physiological well-being, according to Schutte’s meta-analysis of 44 effect sizes. In particular, trait EI was significantly associated with psychological and physiological well-being.

Similarly, a meta-analysis by Alexandra Martin based on 105 effect sizes and 19,815 participants confirmed trait EI’s predictive power for health. This meta-analysis also showed enough evidence to conclude that EI is a reliable predictor of health.

ACCORDING TO AN EARLIER STUDY, high EI has been shown to improve one’s well-being because it fosters positive relationships.

Confidence and Substance Abuse

In a recent study, researchers in India examined the correlations between Ei, confidence, and cannabis use. One hundred of the people in the study were dependent on cannabis, whereas the other hundred were emotionally healthy.

The dependent group had significantly lower EI scores than the control group. They also discovered that the dependents had significantly lower self-esteem than the controls.

In another analysis, researchers in Australia looked to see if there was a correlation between low EI and substance abuse rates. During one month of treatment, 103 patients at a drug rehabilitation centre were evaluated on various psychological characteristics, including emotional intelligence. As participants’ addiction levels decreased due to therapy, their EI ratings increased.

Success in the Classroom

In a meta-analysis conducted in 2020, the academic success of pupils with higher levels of emotional intelligence was found to be significantly higher. Over 1,246 effects were compiled from 158 research, with a total sample size of 42,529.

Emotionally intelligent students performed better academically and on standardized examinations. Ability emotional intelligence (measured with objective tasks) was much bigger than rating measures of emotional intelligence, and the effect was more significant for humanities than science/math majors.

After controlling for the influence of students’ Big Five personality and intelligence traits, the correlation between emotional intelligence and better academic performance remained statistically significant.


In short, emotional intelligence is critical because words are the main thing which expresses the phenomena. Good communication skill is vital for achieving the goal and success in all fields of life. Whether you have leadership challenges or education, financial or social, you need good communication skills.

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