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Some Wonderful & Creative Ideas to Support Anxious Kids

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Some Wonderful & Creative Ideas to Support Anxious Kids

    Children in education have had a rough start to the new year. Millions of schools around the country have switched to online instruction due to the risk of exposure, staff or kids being absent due to illness, and the difficulty of testing and masking.

Anxiety is normal for youngsters, and the recent two years of disruption have been especially hard on kids’ minds. But how to support anxious kids is the main thing.

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What is Anxiety in Children?

Fear, worry, irritability, and anger are all anxiety symptoms in children. Nevertheless, there are physical manifestations: Some kids may have difficulties sleeping, headaches, or stomachaches.

After a couple of unusual years, we all feel frazzled and exhausted by this time of year. Because of this, many people, including children, experience anxiety or terror.

I remember being a very anxious child. Now that I’m young and a mother worrying is still a daily battle. When my daughter started talking to me openly about her worries and concerns, I feared she might develop a perfectionist personality like mine.
Then it hit me: as a fellow worrier, I am in a prime position to empathize with her, not dismiss her worries, and give her the tools I wish I’d had when I was younger. As a result, we invest much effort in exploring methods for managing anxiety and Support Anxious kids.

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In Cases Where Children Show an Obvious Need for Assistance,

 It is essential to listen to them and get outside aid if necessary. This is mainly about strategies for helping children overcome irrational worries, such as those caused by thoughts of monsters, being alone, or “what ifs?”

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I wish I could Support Anxious Kids and assure my kid that life will always be perfect, but I know it’s a promise no parent can keep.
As a parent, one of your major responsibilities is teaching your child to become self-reliant by equipping them with the skills and resilience they’ll need to succeed in the world once you’re no longer there to support them. If she brings me a problem,
I try to soothe her. Still, often it’s just that she can’t get something out of her mind, like a disturbing image she saw or a terrifying possibility she imagined.
I can identify with this unwillingness to let go of a concept. I found the concept of performing little rituals to help us concentrate our attention useful. Effective and enjoyable, these methods are perfect for teaching children to Support Anxious Kids.

Following are some ideas to Support Anxious Kids

Teach Children to Make Peace With Their Anxiety.

According to Jain and Tsabary, reassuring youngsters that everything will be well, even if you mean it is counterproductive.

The authors argue that “concern is good for you” since it serves a useful purpose. To help children cope with anxiety, they suggest that they give it a face:

By giving form to an otherwise intangible emotion, “you create a character and personify it, making it concrete for kids,”

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Facilitate Danger Evaluation

If a kid feels anxious, that emotion will win over their brain’s rational risk assessment processes. To illustrate, Jain suggests that if someone is afraid of flying, you tell them, “Just relax and enjoy the ride,”

“Daily, you take a ride in a car, right? And statistically speaking, that’s riskier than flying “The child doesn’t care about this line of reasoning.

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Tell Them to Think Before They Act.

According to Jain and Tsabary, youngsters’ innate attentiveness is hampered by the “chaos and activity” of modern life.

They recommend teaching kids to be aware of the concepts that pop into their heads and realize that they may choose whether or not to act on those ideas.

Tsabary explains that once you “realise that a thought doesn’t have power over you and that you can literally just observe it and let it pass,” you can pick and choose which thoughts you want to react to.

Spray Monster

I used this one when my youngest was young and afraid of monsters in the dark when she had to sleep alone for the first time. One of my pals recommended that I use monster spray.

To help myself get some shut-eye, I went out and purchased a clear plastic mister bottle, filled it with water and a few drops of lavender oil, and slapped a large label reading “Monster Spray” on it.

She was given permission to use it as needed and finding that she could take charge of the situation by spraying it around her room helped her get to sleep faster.

Keep it out of their reach while it’s not in use, use a clean bottle, and monitor their use of it.

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Hug and Kiss Button

My son’s Batman sweatshirt has a large black button stitched onto the sleeve. It may look odd, but it’s actually a method my wife and I devised to help him cope with mild separation anxiety when he was at daycare or while I was at work.

It was important to me that he felt my love and affection at all times, so I made a big deal out of charging the button with hugs and kisses so that he could press it and “receive a hug” even when I wasn’t there.

Before your child leaves for school, send them something that reminds them of home and your affection, like a keychain, sticker, pencil bag, or water bottle.

The focus is on a material item that represents the comfort and safety of home to them while they are away from it during the day.

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The Three Positives

If something horrible keeps happening to me, I can start weaving together a “woe is me” story. The same is true for children. When I see my daughter again after school, I’ve noticed that she immediately jumps to voicing her complaints, even if there isn’t anything new to add to an old worry.

I started asking her to name three positive aspects of the day while listening to and addressing her concerns.

It could be anything: spending time with a friend, gaining new knowledge, or creating an artwork she is particularly proud of.

Soon enough, she’d be coming home from school not only with anxieties about the day but also with her own three good things to contribute without being asked. T

his is a subtle technique for changing one’s perspective and having a better day overall.

Those Creepy, Clingy, Nervous, and Upset Things You Shouldn’t

As a kid, I was envious when I saw a friend’s kid playing with a concerned doll. Undoubtedly, things would be better if I had one of these small fellows to confide in about my problems

. Dolls of this size, hand-stitched from bright cloth and yarn, are a staple of Guatemalan culture. The aim is to confide in them and sleep with them under your pillow to ease your mind.

Sadly, I Don’t Own Any Concerned Dolls

 However, I encountered some worry monsters that could be a suitable substitute. The ones I located are small stuffed animals with zippers for mouths, about the size of a palm.

Younger children who put pen to paper can “eat” their worries by writing them down on a small piece of paper and then placing them within. If they’d rather, they can do a quick sketch instead.

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Monster of Anxiety

When anxious, my children take their monsters outside to show me before night. It’s a good approach to find out what’s on their mind. However, it’s usually stuff we’ve already covered. The paper drops out of my pocket, I read it, and then I return it.

Put the message in a pocket or envelope, or give it to a toy; even if you don’t have worry dolls or a monster, it may help. Getting it out of your thoughts and doing something about it is the most beneficial strategy.

With these methods, we may tap into the magic and make-believe of childhood to have access to genuine cognitive benefits that will help our children be happier and more successful in life… can aid them in breaking free of a troubling concern they just can’t shake.

For more information visit my website,


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