Pandora’s Box of AI in Higher Education. It Will Change The Education and the Students
AI in Higher Education
Let’s delve into the exciting realm of AI in higher education and one of the most current developments in this field, ChatGPT—OpenAI’s creation, unveiled on November 30, 2022.
- Everyone’s responsibilities in the classroom, from students to teachers to administrators to politicians, will shift due to AI.
- Overall, the outlook for AI at universities is bright.
- Twenty-five years ago, artificial intelligence (AI) was a small subset of university technical studies.
- Part of the difficulty in embracing AI is preserving the human element.
The annual conference of the Chief Information Systems Officer Association ( was held on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, on July 10, 2023. CISOA members help more than two million students at California’s 116 community colleges annually.
Most of California’s police, firefighters, nurses, and EMTs are among the millions of graduates. (CCC Fact Sheets)
The leaders in community college technology said that AI’s potential benefits and risks were the primary focus of their recent advanced seminar. The main discussion topics were the effects and possibilities of AI in the classroom.
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The majority of CISOs agreed that AI will ultimately be beneficial to the educational system. The chiefs are hopeful and generally think AI is suitable for schools.
Still, they also recognise that it has sure negative aspects. Some drawbacks need to be dealt with. There is little doubt that AI will hasten the search for information and improve the ability to predict trends.
The possibility of artificial intelligence and linguistic structure-driven search will profoundly impact future forecasts and choices. AI will change employment, and administrative and student support services will significantly improve.
The epidemic of COVID, the chiefs agreed, significantly sped up the adoption of hybrid, online, and distance education. One of the main worries about AI being used in education is that it potentially dehumanises the classroom.
It’s essential to keep in touch with real people. When artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms create information and control the speed of learning experiences, keeping the nuanced approach that a human instructor and aide can provide is essential.
Another critical factor that needs constant monitoring, investigation, and evaluation is the growing tendency to replace human interaction with voice, email, and text chatbot interaction.
Improving Artificial Intelligence in Ways That
- Facilitate individualised instruction in ways that were not feasible before.
- Make sure students always get the feedback they need to succeed.
- Make a wealth of data available to students they would not have had access to before.
- Facilitate a decline in faculty and staff burden.
- Improve partnership governance and efficiency.
ChatGPT, for instance, can be a valuable tool for enhancing education. Still, its limits and the importance of human interaction should be remembered.
Teachers should use AI effectively by keeping in mind its potential and limitations. Students need training to understand how to use AI-based learning tools properly. AI has great potential to improve educational outcomes, but only if it is used responsibly, openly, and thoughtfully.
The new AI boom is reminiscent of the dot-com era, with the advent of several AI tools like ChatGPT, but hopefully without the corresponding bust around the turn of the century.
To that end, it’s essential to consider how an AI application will fit into the bigger picture when deciding to implement it.
The chiefs pointed to some of the challenging problems and risks that the education community must pay attention to through research and application of theory, alongside the possible advantages. Among them are:
- AI algorithmic bias
- Secrecy Issues
- Distancing oneself from others
- Technological Dependence
- Fairness concerns
- Problems of ethics
- Policy concerns
- Changing careers and
A deluge of innovative planning resources and suggested enhancements to existing methods.
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In short, artificial intelligence will undoubtedly be an ongoing source of change. The heads have decided to prioritise AI in their leadership, research, and training programmes and include AI training in their existing training initiatives.
Understanding AI is a must for success in today’s business world. The field of (AI) is currently ripe with research prospects that require a dedication to identifying, evaluating, testing, and adopting best practices.
The past 75 years have seen a rapid acceleration of technological advancements that have helped AI.
There was the launch of Sputnik in 1958, the widespread adoption of digital computing in the 1960s, telecourses in the 1970s, the invention of the laptop in the 1980s.
The perfection of the digital processing chip, the compact disc, and the keyboard-clicking Blackberry in the 1990s, all of which have been superseded by the touch screen of the Apple iPhone and current streaming.
These developments point towards a bright future for education and learning using AI-oriented humans and taking advantage of digital displays.
California’s community institutions’ chief information security officers created one of the most essential technological networks in higher education.
They know it’s crucial to keep people’s empathy and focus intact. Future advancements in information studies and systems will rely heavily on the complementary development of media psychology, applications technology, and artificial intelligence.
As AI develops and enters the educational system, the CISOs are actively engaged in professional efforts to identify and optimise it.
They plan to keep artificial intelligence one of their top priorities as they advance in their careers. But they know that AI has unleashed a tidal wave of unintended consequences.
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Here Are Five AI-Related Ways Colleges Will Change

Universities are understandably worried about the potential damage that AI could do to their systems, but the upsides could outweigh the drawbacks.
Still, AI shows a lot of potential for the future of higher education by facilitating student decision-making, enhancing learning, shortening time-to-degree, and preparing graduates for the workforce.
College students have widely accepted it. 43% of BestColleges poll respondents reported using an artificial intelligence application like ChatGPT.
In their efforts to stay current and demonstrate their value, will universities adapt to the times and adopt this new paradigm?
Or will they become redundant due to technological advancements and the spread of information?
Here are five ways in which artificial intelligence will change higher education forever.
Advertising Effectively and Recruiting the Appropriate Students
Now more than ever, who gets into college is a story of the haves and the have-nots. Some highly elite universities’ already low acceptance rates have dropped into the single digits.
However, over the past seven years, more than 90 smaller private institutions and regional public colleges have closed or merged due to low enrollment.
As a result of declining birthrates during the Great Depression, an enrollment cliff is now a genuine possibility.
Universities must implement increasingly complex enrollment management measures to offset the decline in potential students.
The use of AI is helpful.
Chatbots help prospective students with the application process by providing instantaneous, individualised solutions to their questions.
Using predictive analytics, admissions personnel can determine whether applicants are genuinely interested in attending, how much aid each student will require, and their chances of graduating.
Element451, an artificial intelligence-driven platform, analyses student behaviour data to assign success probabilities. The firm asserts that it is 20 times more predictive than simple demographics.
In addition, AI algorithms can sort through mountains of applications based on criteria such as academic performance, standardised exam results, and extracurricular activities, relieving pressure on already-stretched human resources departments.
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2, Improving Student Graduation Rates and Retention Rates
Improved retention rates result from a more fabulous fit between students and their chosen colleges. Of course, it’s not easy, and students can quit for many reasons.
Academic counselling is made more accessible with AI systems, which can foresee if a student will fail a class and send an early warning to the instructor.
Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence are available 24/7 to help students with questions about their student loans, academic progress, and future careers. The company that makes this technology, Ocelot, discovered that forty per cent of student talks with AI bots occurred after hours.
Students can also benefit from virtual assistants in terms of their emotional well-being. Woebot is an example of an app that helps students learn about themselves through “intelligent mood tracking.”
Artificial intelligence systems can help students with dyslexia (ADHD) and autism by spotting behaviours associated with such disorders. That way, schools can provide more personalised learning experiences and easier access to standardised tests.
Recognising early warning indicators allows colleges to better support struggling students and encourage them to stay on track for graduation.
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Adapting Lessons to Each Student
The CEO and founder of Khan Academy, Sal Khan, thinks AI has the potential to bring about the “greatest positive transformation education has ever seen.”
His business provides each student with a dedicated “Khanmigo” who acts as a Socratic guide to help them arrive at their own answers. It may assist kids in math, coding, and interactive writing, and it can also provide teachers with lesson plan suggestions based on the learning habits of their pupils.
Learners’ individual requirements and interests are considered when guided through the curriculum in adaptive learning.
Virtual tutors are becoming increasingly popular at universities. “Jill Watson,” a virtual graduate teaching assistant powered by artificial intelligence, responds to student inquiries in a discussion forum.
The artificial intelligence system “Julian” at Walden University is available 24/7 to help students study.
Former University of Texas at Arlington president Vistasp M. Karbhari believes that personalised learning and round-the-clock coaching have broken the mould of education.
Modifying Course Content in Response to Industry Needs
The rise of AI has the potential to affect not only how but also what students learn in school. College curricula may need to be drastically revised in light of emerging commercial realities.
By 2025, AI is expected to provide 97 million new employment, according to the World Economic Forum. That’s some welcome news. And now for the awful news… It also estimates that AI will eliminate 85 million jobs.
College curricula follow the trends of the economy. When news organisations can employ chatbots to produce content.
What does this mean for the future of journalism education?
The same holds true for the study and profession of graphic design.
When computers can compose music, do we still need humans to study it? It has been demonstrated to be capable of producing a convincing “Deepfake” of Paul McCartney and John Lennon’s “The Sound of Silence” and Freddie Mercury’s “Yesterday.
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WHAT WILL BECOME OF NURSING AND MEDICAL SCHOOLS when AI offers virtual nurses, diagnoses, and prescribes drugs?
Do we still need teachers of French and Spanish if language translators are improving?
Professor Patricia A. Young from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, predicts
“a future in which full-time tenured who teach face-to-face will play a much smaller role.”
Some think fields that teach people how to think creatively will become more important as AI becomes more widespread.
Swarthmore College professor Long Tran-Bui recently told The Wall Street Journal that the resurgence of the humanities in feeding AI new information and deciding the ethical framework underlying its usage goes hand in hand with the development of artificial intelligence. “AI does not devalue the humanities; rather, it invigorates them.”
At the same time, there are virtually limitless career and academic possibilities in the rapidly developing AI sector. MBA programmes with an AI specialisation and introductory AI courses for undergrads have already been developed according to market demands and student interest.
What subjects will thrive and which will fail as the curriculum adapts to an AI world?
Because of limited funds, universities must prioritise which courses to offer and which to eliminate.
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Critics argue that university prices have gotten too high.
College costs have increased by almost a factor of three in the past half-century. It has increased by almost 100% in the last 30 years.
Why are college costs rising?
Wasteful bureaucracy is one cause.
What if AI made schools more efficient, hence reducing tuition costs?
AI has the potential to help colleges cut expenses and employees by reducing administrative tasks in areas including admissions and financial aid, marketing, student health services, information technology, tutoring centres, and career services.
While it may not be the panacea that academia so needs, it can potentially shift the balance of power in their favour.
The public’s trust in institutions is dwindling, tuition and student debt are increasing, and students are looking for more practical degrees out of worry for their financial returns.
A college education, according to Elon Musk, is “just for showing off that you can get things done.”
So, before it’s too late, universities should stop worrying and start employing AI to improve their students’ education and campus life.
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