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Adult Cyberbullying: Victimisation Can Occur at Any Age

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Adult Cyberbullying: Victimisation Can Occur at Any Age

Adult Cyberbullying

The issue of cyberbullying is not limited to teenagers. Victimisation can occur at any age. Adult cyberbullying is an example of online harassment amongst adults; go no further than the comments section of any social media account belonging to a celebrity, athlete, politician, or other prominent person.

Too many adults have the false impression that bullying is something that just affects kids. But now that cyberbullying has emerged as a major problem, more people than ever are also susceptible to its harmful effects on their mental and emotional health. 

To stop being a victim of cyberbullying as an adult, it is important first to understand what constitutes this form of harassment and how it manifests in your life.


Not all critical remarks may be classified as cyberbullying. You can’t assume that everyone will like and respond positively to a social network post, a video uploaded to YouTube, or any other kind of online material. When words or deeds are negative, they become abusive when they are meant to scare, threaten, harass, or intimidate you.

 The word can also refer to an issue that arises frequently rather than simply once. When people think of cyberbullying, they usually think of young people. Adults, however, are rarely the focus of attention, either as cyberbullies themselves or as victims.

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In Academic Circles, How Does One Define Cyberbullying?

The National Centre for the Prevention of Bullying

Cyberbullying refers to bullying that takes place over a computer network. Bullying is defined as “unwanted, repeated, aggressive, negative behaviour,” Bullying through electronic devices is called cyberbullying.


  What is Adult Cyberbullying? 

There are many parallels between traditional bullying and cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is the same thing as traditional bullying, only it happens in virtual spaces.

 A concise definition of cyberbullying is as follows:

Online harassment and intimidation, or cyberbullying, is a growing problem.

  • Similar to laptops, smartphones, and tablets. 
  • Happens over the phone, by text message, in an app, or on a social networking website.
  • Online communities where users may chat, share content, or play games
  • Distribute the material you have. Assaults committed online can take several forms, including.
  • Disseminating information that is damaging, misleading, or mean-spirited
  • And then another… Some forms of cyberbullying go too far and become
  • Crime or doing anything illegal.
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 How Horrible is it?

Adult Cyberbullying

More than a third of adult internet users, according to recent research, 

of those polled either quit, cut back, or altered online because of bullying from other users. Also, multiple one-fourth of those affected by severe online harassment reported being victims of it.


According to a separate research, around 15% of participants were Cyberbullied. Cyberbullying was most prevalent among teenagers and young adults; those above the age of 45 were not spared. Around 20% of the population, one of the victims was about that age.

The Cyberbully Is…

Adults who identify as victims of discrimination in the workplace are more likely to; about 75% of those who experienced cyberbullying said they were victims themselves. Bullying from coworkers and over a third from management. Many internet scammers utilise tactics that are comparable to cyberbullying. Bullies use manipulation and coercion tactics to get others to do what they want.

Might not have done it under different circumstances. There are commonalities among bullies of all stripes. As a rule, they are Emotionally stunted and self-absorbed. They are sometimes vulnerable people who try to alleviate their sense of powerlessness and insignificance through Active and passive aggressiveness. In certain cases, bullies want to advance. Their standing by making others feel small and unimportant.

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Cyberbullying’s Distinctive Features

Intentional, repetitive, harmful behaviour towards another person or group characterises all forms of bullying. However, there are unique features of cyberbullying that set it apart from traditional bullying:

  1. Persistent. Because most students have constant access to some type of technology, cyberbullying may occur at any moment of the day, not just when kids are in school. It occurs in the context of the house or the neighbourhood.
  2. It’s not easily spotted. While certain forms of bullying, such as shoving or vandalising property, are easy for adults to spot, cyberbullying occurs over electronic devices that are considerably harder to monitor.
  3. Anonymous. The bully in cyberbullying might remain hidden. One youngster can easily injure another child and not be held accountable when the victim does not know who is repeating the behaviour.
  4. Disseminated to a wider (maybe) audience. Since information uploaded online may spread rapidly, it is difficult to control or remove harmful statements once they have been disseminated.
  5. It’s less effort to be cruel. Because of the larger distance between the target and the aggressor, cyberbullying is sometimes more effective. Because of the technological barrier, the bully is removed from the immediate reaction of the victim and may not realise the severity of the suffering they are creating.
  6. Permanent. The global accessibility of information that has been posted online. Once anything has been posted online, it might be hard to get rid of it forever.

Keep in mind that the “permanence” of online abuse is that it does leave physical traces. The comments, photographs, or videos submitted may be documented by taking screenshots or recording URLs and texts, unlike physical or emotional abuse, which leaves no digital imprint.

Incidence Rates

Two government databases provide information on bullying among young people:

  • Students aged 12 to 18 who experienced bullying at school during the school year were more likely to be bullied online or by text message,  
  • The 2019 suggests that an estimated 15.7% of high school students were electronically harassed in the 12 months before the survey.

A representative sample of 4,972 American students between the ages of 12 and 17 was polled by the Cyberbullying Research Centre. The data was gathered in April of this year.

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Victims of Cyberbullying. 

Cyberbullying refers to the deliberate and repetitive act of harassing, mistreating, or ridiculing an individual using online platforms or while utilising technological devices such as cell phones.

” In our sample, around one-third of the kids say they had been victims of cyberbullying at some point. Mean or nasty remarks (24.9%) and rumours circulated online (22.2%) continue to be among the most often stated forms of cyberbullying when questioned about particular forms of cyberbullying experienced in the preceding 30 days. 

Thirty per cent of the sample reported experiencing cyberbullying in at least two of the twelve described forms on at least two separate occasions within the preceding thirty days.

Violating Cyberbullying Policies and Procedures. 

Adult Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying refers to the persistent and deliberate act of subjecting an individual to harassment, mistreatment, or ridicule through online platforms or the use of cellular devices and other technological means.” Only around one-fifteenth of the kids in our sample reported never having engaged in cyberbullying themselves.

 Posting cruel remarks online was the most often reported sort of cyberbullying they reported within the preceding 30 days (9.3%). Two or more incidents of cyberbullying involving any of the eleven mentioned kinds were reported by about 11% of the sample within the preceding 30 days.

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Gendered Forms of Cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a serious issue affecting teenagers, and it’s concerning that teenage girls are 4.2% more likely than teenage boys to be targeted (38.7% vs 34.5%). We need more education to prevent cyberbullying. However, when looking back on the past 30 days, boys are at a little advantage. 

In this sample, males (16.1% vs. 13.4%) and adolescents (8.1% vs. 4.6%) were more likely to report engaging in cyberbullying behaviour towards others in the past 30 days. The sort of cyberbullying tends to differ by gender; females were more likely to claim someone spread rumours about them online, while boys were more likely to report that someone threatened to injure them online. 

As was the case in 2016, more males than girls admitted to engaging in any of the cyberbullying offences we surveyed. This has changed over time and across behaviours.

Take Cyberbullying and Harassment Seriously

Cyberbullying does not apply to all unpleasant comments. You can’t assume that everyone will like and respond positively to a social network post, a video uploaded to YouTube, or any other kind of online material. When words or deeds are negative but accompanied by threats, harassment, or intimidation, they cross a line. The word can also refer to an issue that arises frequently rather than simply once.

Preserve Meticulous Notes 

It makes sense, no matter what else you do, to keep detailed notes or document the harassment. This might be used as evidence of the other person’s poor behaviour and cyberbullying patterns. This can facilitate reporting them to a social networking platform, content-sharing site, online gaming community, or law enforcement agency.

Tools for blocking, ignoring, and reporting are already included.

Virtually every online community and service lets you ignore or report users who harass, threaten, or otherwise act aggressively online. Use them to shield yourself from harm and avoid potentially devastating impacts on your psyche, soma, and health. 

Unfortunately, some online bullies are highly good at getting over these restrictions. They’ll constantly create new accounts to bother you. If you want to halt the abuse, don’t be afraid to escalate.

What to do in Case of Adult Bullying situation?

Children and teens who are victims of cyberbullying are encouraged to seek assistance from an adult. But who can grownups trust? Adults should consult other adults, such as law enforcement or competent authorities, for assistance, as before.

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Here’s what you can do if you’re the target of online bullying or harassment:

  • In the first place, you should keep any proof of the bullying that you can find. Include identifying information about the commenters if possible.
  • Second, try getting in touch with the company behind the platform where the bullying is taking place. If you’re experiencing online harassment, say on Facebook, you should report it. If you find yourself receiving text messages that are harassing or threatening in nature, it would be wise to reach out to your cell phone provider for assistance. They are better equipped to handle such situations and can provide you with guidance on how to proceed. (Useful links to the three most popular social networking sites are provided here.)
  • Third: Avoid doing any action that an outsider may see as adding to the conflict. In the event that an individual is causing you undue distress or disturbance, we recommend that you take the proactive step of requesting that they cease their actions. This will help to ensure that the situation is resolved promptly and with minimal disruption. We encourage you to remain assertive and clear in your communication while maintaining a professional demeanour throughout the interaction. If they don’t stop, you may need to take legal action. The police should be contacted promptly if you feel threatened.
  • Fourth, make use of social media bullying prevention tools. Most online social networks already have protections in place to handle cases of cyberbullying. Facebook allows users to report or ban those who post or share content they find objectionable. Users are encouraged to report bullying and harassment, and Instagram and Twitter provide tools for coping with abuse. Here are some resources you may find useful:

                       1. Facebook’s Abuse-Free Zone and Helpful Links

                       2, Instagram: How to File a Complaint Regarding Bullying.                   

                      3, Twitter’s Guide to Reporting Cyberbullying

  • Finally, set a positive example for your children, your peers, and your internet acquaintances. We shouldn’t assume that because we can express ourselves freely online, we necessarily should. By leading through example and inspiring others to follow suit, each individual holds the potential to make a meaningful impact.

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