SAT Scholarships with the Highest GRE Scores are Available to International Students
The SAT is among the most popular government-recognized tests used to confirm students’ enrollment in particular schools.
Such is the case with the SAT scholarships offered by many universities worldwide to international students.
Here we’ll look at the best SAT scholarships available for students worldwide.
How do SAT Scholarships Work?
Secondary school students with exceptionally high SAT scores can apply for SAT grants, which are awarded based on academic merit. Using these grants can make paying for tuition, books, and other educational necessities much more manageable.
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In most cases, SAT scholarships are awarded by educational organizations such as colleges.
Scholarships for the College Board (SAT) are awarded by universities, state governments, and secret organizations to help students with their academic endeavors. These funds are designated to help underprivileged students from around the world study in the United States.
Top 8 International Study Abroad SAT Scholarships
International students with high SAT scores can apply for scholarships from various organizations.
To help international students, we have compiled a list of available top 8 SAT scholarships.
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First, A Grant from the Davidson Colleagues.
One of the most competitive SAT grants available to high school seniors is the Davidson Colleagues Grant, which has the backing of the School Board.
Undergraduates who excel in science, innovation, design, mathematics, writing, music, logic, and creative thinking are awarded this prize.
The maximum award from the Davidson Colleagues Grant is $50,000.
Grant recipients receive financial assistance, expert guidance, and support as they apply to postsecondary institutions.
At least a score of 1500 and a minimum 3.5 GPA are required of candidates.
Winners are selected for their extraordinary creativity and. aptitude for analytical thinking and problem-solving.
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Second, the Fulbright Scholarship
U.S. Department of State-sponsored Fulbright Grants helps promising international students to finance their education in the United States so they can take advantage of academic opportunities here.
For those who qualify, the government will foot the bill for tuition, room, and board, books, transportation to and from school, and medical insurance while they study at an approved U.S. institution.
Selection criteria for the Fulbright Grant Program include academic performance, extracurricular activities, initiative, and oral presentations.
Undergraduates with a 3.0 GPA or higher, an individual explanation, and a minimum SAT score of 1100 are considered for this award. Undergraduates can demonstrate initiative through extracurricular activities or local area administration projects.
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The Stamps Grant Program offers funding contingent on proof of eligibility for international undergraduates interested in studying in the United States.
It is led by Initiative Endeavor for a Different America and funded by the Stamps family (LEDA).
Students from any country can apply for a grant through the Stamps Foundation, including those from developing nations.
It covers everything from tuition to room and board to books and a stipend for as long as four years of undergraduate study.
Students must qualify with a minimum SAT score of 1300, show initiative through clubs or community service, maintain a 3.5 GPA, and submit an individual statement to be considered for this award.
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QuestBridge’s Public School Matching Program
Grants are available to high-achieving, low-income international students through the QuestBridge Public School Match Program so that they may attend a prestigious university in the United States.
The QuestBridge Public School Match Program provides funding for four years for classes, room and board, and other expenses.
In addition, it provides guidance and support to students as they apply to colleges.
Students who meet these requirements will have maintained a GPA of at least 3.5 and shown exceptional intelligence and initiative in their academic pursuits.
Non-U.S. citizens graduating from high school or are current college students are eligible to participate in this program.
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Funding Opportunities through the Doors: Cambridge Program
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps support the Entryways Cambridge Grant Program, established in 2000.
About eighty undergrads are awarded funding each year through the Entryways Cambridge Grant Program, making it one of the most competitive grant programs in the world.
The Entryways Cambridge Grant Program provides total funding for up to three years for the M.S. program at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.
A variety of costs, such as tuition, housing, and travel to and from Cambridge, are covered by the award.
Eligible applicants will be citizens or permanent residents of any country outside the United Kingdom who have been accepted into a graduate program at the University of Cambridge full-time and can demonstrate financial need.
The recipients of these awards should make it a priority to either return home after finishing their studies or apply the knowledge and skills they gained there for the betterment of their home countries.
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International Student Financial Literacy Program
Grants and scholarships are available to international students from low-income backgrounds enrolled in an accredited higher education institution in the United States through the International Student Financial Aid Program (ISFAP).
Education and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State funds and oversees the Organization for International Education (IIE).
Scholarships of up to $25,000 per academic year are available through the program to assist with covering tuition, books, and living expenses. Higher education graduate and undergraduate students from other countries
are welcome to apply to participate in the program.
Only international students with valid F-1 or J-1 visas are eligible to study in the United States. Who can demonstrate financial need will be considered for these awards.
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Researcher’s Program for Coca-Cola Seventh
More than $3 million in grant money is awarded annually to 150 outstanding high school seniors in every state as a part of the across the U.S. as part of the incredibly aggressive SAT grants, including the Coca-Cola Researchers Program.
You can put the $20,000 toward tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses.
The award includes supplementary benefits like entry-level employment, internship opportunities, and mentorship.
Each of the 250 undergraduate recipients must have a minimum of 1280 on the SAT and a 3.0 GPA.
Candidates are selected based on their academic performance, extracurricular activities, local administration, and prior experience in positions of authority.
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For the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s School Grant Program, Number Eight
Scholarships from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation are available to outstanding but financially disadvantaged students worldwide who want to study at U.S. universities.
Students worldwide who have applied and been accepted to an accredited U.S. university are eligible to participate in this highly competitive program.
A student can receive up to $40,000 per year for up to four years of undergraduate or graduate study, to be used toward costs associated with a student’s education, such as tuition, board, and books.
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There are benefits for summer jobs and temporary positions as well.
Applicants must have an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, demonstrate financial need (not necessarily determined by the Establishment’s survey cycle), and have an SAT score of around 1350 to be considered.
Students in their final y and undergraduates who have made significant academic progress are eligible for the award.
These are some of the few SAT scholarships for international students.
It’s essential to check all the options and see what’s needed to qualify for each Grant.
International students can find an SAT grant that works for them if they know what they’re looking for and how to go about it.
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To What Kinds of People Does the Fulbright Grant Apply?
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, present an original proclamation, and have a minimum SAT score of 1100 to be considered for this award. Extracurricular activities and community service projects are good ways to demonstrate initiative.
Who is in charge of the Global Student Financial Mentorship Program? (ISFAP)
Foundation for International Education oversees the International Student Financial Assistance Program (ISFAP) (IIE).
The Agency for Instructive and Social Projects in the U.S. Department of State provides funding.
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So, why is QuestBridge’s Public School Match Program so beneficial?
The QuestBridge Public School Match Program provides grants for classes, room and board, and other four-year expenses.
In addition, it provides students with guidance and support as they apply to colleges.
What groups stand behind the Stamps Grant?
The Stamps family generously funds the Stamps Grant Program, which is managed by the Initiative to Create a New America (LEDA).
Could you explain what the Jack Kent Cooke Establishment School Grant Program funds?
The Grant provides up to $40,000 annually to cover tuition, room and board, books, and other educational expenses for up to four years of undergraduate or graduate study.
The program also supports summer programs and temporary work.
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