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Leadership and management are radically different roles. Managers are great at calming tensions within teams or departments, finding common ground, and getting things done daily since their objectives are based on needs rather than wants. Conversely, leaders approach their objectives with an active, personal attitude.

Motivating their subordinates and igniting the creative process with their boundless enthusiasm, they eagerly anticipate the opportunities and rewards that await. Their work atmosphere is frequently disorderly, and their connections with employees and coworkers are intense.


A VUCA environment—one characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—is how the Cranfield School of Management characterizes the present decision-making landscape in an essay. It is getting more and more difficult to go from management to leadership in this kind of setting, they go on to say.

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De-Sticking Your Routine

People are inclined to remain within their familiar environments. The reluctance of senior managers to change their methods stems from this very reason. Success in today’s dynamic corporate environment, however, requires a willingness to embrace change and adopt new methods.

In order to take on more leadership responsibilities, managers need to be willing to change their ways of thinking and doing things. Doing so calls for introspection, tolerance, and a thirst for knowledge.

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One aspect of management’s role is to act as “fixers.” When they uncover an issue, they promptly step in to resolve it. However, those in charge think strategically about the future. They take a step back and assess the broader context, always keeping an eye on the future of the company and how their decisions will play out.

If they want to go up the corporate ladder and take charge, managers need to stop seeing themselves as merely problem solvers and start thinking like leaders. Leadership involves influencing, motivating, and enabling people to participate to the success of the organization.

They should always be asking themselves how their decisions can address problems in the long run. In order to accomplish a goal, management must exert control over an organization, group, or collection of entities.

The two names are frequently used interchangeably because people get them mixed up. Having said that, that is incorrect. There are distinct functions and meanings for these names. Managers oversee the day-to-day running of an organization, whereas leaders, as the name suggests, steer the ship.

The Distinction Between Management and Leadership


The line separating management and leadership has blurred in recent years. The two names are frequently used interchangeably because people get them mixed up. Having said that, that is incorrect.

There are distinct functions and meanings for these names. Managers oversee the day-to-day running of an organization, whereas leaders, as the name suggests, steer the ship. Courses like “business management,” which cover both topics, have contributed to their common classification in educational institutions.

Leadership: What Is It?

Leading people to achieve an objective is, at its core, what leadership is all about. To get down to brass tacks, though, leadership is all about strategy, decision-making, communication, relationship-building, inspiring and motivating others, conflict management, and problem-solving.

View a leader in the role of a guide. This individual has the ability to inspire others. To ensure the success of their organization, leaders set a good example, motivate their staff to do better, and sacrifice personally.

It takes a certain set of abilities to make it as a leader. While no one set of competencies is required of all leaders, the following are considered essential:

  • Using a results-focused approach
  • Assisting others
  • Actively listening
  • Inspiring and enabling people
  • Exploring and taking into consideration alternative viewpoints
  • Getting to the bottom of issues quickly
  • Celebrating variety
  • A leader is someone who steps up and does things on their own. The task at hand may be anything from launching an entirely new initiative to resolving an existing problem at the office. Good leaders are goal-strivers, so the projects they launch help the business reach its targets.

It used to be that leaders created the “management.” But times have changed, and that’s why leadership and management are often confused. A new meaning of management has emerged.

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Management: What Is It?


Management is the process of carrying out duties and activities according to a schedule and using the resources at one’s disposal. Achieving organizational goals efficiently is management’s principal objective. It requires working in tandem with several divisions inside a company.

The following are examples of typical tasks performed by a manager:

  • Preparation and objective-setting
  • Managing funds and assets
  • Task organization and delegation
  • Supervising and managing processes
  • Dialog and choice-making

In a hierarchical view of an organization, managers report to those in charge. Nonetheless, the significance of management remains unabated. There is a direct correlation between effective leadership and competent management.

Motivating and encouraging others, searching out new viewpoints, and finding solutions to issues are all ways in which management can rise to the level of leadership. Assisting workers with routine chores is one possible role for a manager. But a good leader would push them to learn and improve.

Leadership vs. Management

To sum up, leadership thinks about the big picture, whereas management is more concerned with the here and now. That, however, is not all. In more areas, they diverge.

Now, let’s examine them.

1. Competitors vs. Those Under Them

One has followers, while the other manages subordinates; this is the most noticeable distinction between leadership and management. A manager is someone who holds a position of power and makes use of it to accomplish goals.

  • Imagine you work for a cosmetics company as their manager of marketing. You need to make sure that all the campaigns are working well. Put your needs and goals into words in front of your staff, and they will strive to meet them.
  • You make an effort to resolve issues when they come up. Additionally, you will be communicating with senior management and other external parties.
  • However, those who follow a leader are known as followers. Their impact and vision are more important than their authority, which is why these people support and follow them.
  • A leader’s responsibilities would vary even within the same organization. They aren’t up to the challenge of doing routine duties like coordinating with influencers or adhering to a content timetable. Bigger things, like expanding the brand and creating new items, would take precedence.
  • They might, for instance, be aiming to introduce the brand to a whole new continent. Another possibility is that they are teaming up with a famous face to introduce a cosmetics line.

2. Distinctions Based on Vision


They look further into the future than just the present. They would rather show their followers the way to a better tomorrow. They know exactly what they want out of their company and where they want to lead it.

Moment. To be more specific, they strive to materialize the leaders’ dreams. Here, the leader would lay out a course of action or final destination. Next, the managers would break it down into smaller jobs and give their workers specific instructions on how to do each one.

3. Questions Encountered

How, when, what, who, and why are the five most common kinds of inquiries that need answering in every given organization. Questions like “what” and “why” arise for leaders. Concerning the how and when, a manager must act. In management and leadership roles, both refer to the “who”—the entity carrying out the duties of the position.

Once again, we may look at the cosmetics firm as an example. When it comes to management, it’s all about the when and how. When are the product launches? In what ways will they be promoted?

But the question of “what” and “why” must be answered by the leader. Why is it necessary to have this celebrity’s cosmetics line? 

Perhaps they are well-known for their exceptional cosmetic skills or have made a recent appearance in a Hollywood blockbuster.

In general, what do you want to achieve by working together? It has the potential to boost the company’s bottom line or attract new customers.

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4. Establishing Limits and Duties

  • Boundaries and responsibilities are less constrained for leadership. They have complete autonomy to decide how far they want to go and what tasks they will do to realize their goals.
  • Managers, on the other hand, are responsible for carrying out the tasks decided upon by their superiors. Since their responsibilities are clearly laid out by individuals higher up the chain of command, they have little leeway to establish their own boundaries.

Having said that, managers’ decision-making powers are not constrained. Within the bounds of their duties, they retain the power to make crucial judgments. Nevertheless, they adhere to the organization’s standards and policies when making these decisions.

5. Generating and Supervising Change

Management of change is in the name. This indicates that management is responsible for overseeing the process of organizational change.

Who, however, initiates this transformation? Those in charge.

Indeed, management must contend with issues pertaining to organizational transformation. Here are the key considerations:

  • Innovations in technology
  • Emerging company structures
  • Reorganizations within teams

6. Changing the Company’s or a Division’s Leadership


From a high level perspective, there are two distinct kinds of organizational change: adaptive and transformative. Small, gradual adjustments made to an organization’s existing structure and activities are known as adaptive alterations. 

  • Changes that are transformational, on the other hand, are more substantial and ground-breaking. They necessitate overhauling an organization’s core system or set of procedures.
  • Both forms of changes are driven by leadership. In addition to driving transformational changes, they provide the direction and vision for adaptive adjustments, which are vital to accomplishing their overarching objectives.
  • As heroic as it seems, a leader would have to overcome the organization’s resistance to change in order to introduce new ideas. But it’s the management’s job to make sure these adjustments go off without a hitch. Leadership takes the lead, but ultimately it’s a team effort.

7. Authority, Prominence, and Power

Leaders cultivate authority. It is used by management.

Their fundamental distinction lies in that. From a broader perspective, each of these positions carry significant weight in an organization. Their authority, though, is not of the same kind or from the same source.

Leadership, on the other hand, is powerful because of the inspiration it provides. They may not hold a formal position, but their charm and ability to see the big picture inspire others to follow in their footsteps. They wield informal influence both directly and via management.

The Connections Between Leadership and Management

Leadership and management are not the same thing. Yet there are other aspects in which they are comparable. Some shared characteristics between the two positions are illustrated below.

1. Goals That Are Comparable

Leadership and management always have the organization’s best interests at heart. One may want to stay out in the open, while the other prefers to keep a low profile.

But making sure the organization grows and succeeds is their main objective. Despite divergent approaches, they share a common goal.

2. Coordinating Functions

Leadership and management are complementary roles. Leadership encourages new ideas and approaches, whereas management keeps everything organized.

When combined, they form a well-rounded strategy that aids in an organization’s efficiency and ability to adjust to new situations.

3. Same Set of Abilities

Having strong leadership or management abilities is comparable to having strong management abilities. To be a leader, you may require more than just the requisite set of abilities, but that’s really beside the point.

This encompasses:

  • addressing issues
  • Planning ahead,
  • Powerful expression
  • Making a call

4. Effective Time Management


They must both act with complete calandor at all times. They need to understand the significance of being held accountable as well.

Both must also be empathetic, which is a crucial quality. No longer is it necessary for a manager or leader to be cold and uncaring. Workers nowadays are more receptive to leaders who put themselves in their shoes.

Because of this, studies have shown that empathy is the most crucial quality in a leader.

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Leadership Qualities

It is helpful to know a leader’s characteristics in order to comprehend their role in an organization. Rather than being indicative of a conventional leader, these characteristics characterize a modern leader.

1. The “Servant” Approach Adherent

  • It does sound a little ironic, we admit. The name of this contemporary method of leadership is a topic of heated controversy. Its essential meaning, however, remains unchanging.
  • According to this method, effective leaders are those who are self-aware, compassionate, grateful, and empathetic. For the benefit of their team members, they establish an atmosphere of complete safety, both physically and mentally.
  • As an example, team leaders are now tasked with more than just making sure the organization’s goals are fulfilled. Further, they must guarantee the peaceful coexistence of people of various sexes, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. Accommodations must also be made for employees with special needs.

2. Competence in Challenging

  • Maintaining the status quo is one thing. It requires bravery and strength to defy convention, though. A leader’s ability to challenge the status quo and offer fresh perspectives is crucial.
  • In the modern corporate world, where change is continual and essential for survival, the aforementioned quality is more crucial than ever. Organizational success is guided by leaders with strong critical thinking skills.
  • Isaac Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel, exemplifies this type of CEO. In 1996, when Marvel filed for bankruptcy, he was the owner of Toy Biz, Inc. He restored the company’s fortunes after its 1998 merger with Marvel. By elevating Marvel’s product and media licensing efforts, he increased the company’s stock price and cash flow. A valuation in the billions has been attained by the corporation since then.

3. Inspiration

The capacity to motivate followers is essential for effective leadership. Step one is taken by leaders. After then, folks start to follow suit.

A leader takes a bird’s-eye view of the situation, whilst followers focus on more minute details.

4. Excellent Ability to Set Goals and Oversee Tasks

Supervisors guide those working under them. What gives them that power? As a result of job delegation. They ought to be aware of the relative merits of each team member and be able to assign duties accordingly. In a similar vein, they must to be capable of guiding the group to accomplish their objectives.

  1. Building a Mindset for Leadership
  • It is the frame of mind that determines everything. A leader’s frame of mind is one that encourages the growth of both teams and individuals. They welcome change with open arms. They welcome change and look at it as a chance to better themselves.
  • Managers should strive to develop this leadership attitude by putting the needs of the organization ahead of their own.
  • Leadership, according to Anne-Marie Balfe, EY’s talent leader for APEI, IE, & MW, necessitates a “sense of purpose”and a “common vision.” In order to monitor the organization’s development, transparent governance and accountability are also required.

Specifically, she claims that effective leaders “support and inspire others to be their best.” What is their secret? Through demonstrating effective behavior. Adapting to the upcoming change will need them to push themselves to their limits. Their actions will have repercussions all around them and, in the end, the entire company.

6. Improving My Capacity to Lead


Leadership abilities can undoubtedly develop from management ones. However, this can only happen if managers work on developing the qualities that make an effective leader.

If a manager wants to be a leader, they should work on developing the following skills, according to Prashanth Puthran, FCMA, a financial expert in the pharmaceutical industry:

  • Emotional acuity
  • Appropriate hearing
  • Knowing oneself
  • Effective expression
  • Empathy

Although it’s a good start, they shouldn’t stop there. Those around them should likewise be inculcated with them.


Should Management Take Priority Over Leadership?

Each is vital, and the two are interdependent. Leadership focuses on the big picture and how to achieve it, whereas management is concerned with the details and how to keep things running smoothly. In order for an organization to succeed, both must cooperate.

Who Has What It Takes to Be a Leader?

A leader can be anyone. Skills can be gained and refined over time, in addition to innate attributes. While some may be born with more inherent leadership qualities, anyone can rise up the ranks with the correct attitude and amount of hard work.

As a leader, how can I evaluate my performance?

Leadership styles and effectiveness might differ from person to person, hence there is no universally applicable answer to this question. Nevertheless, excellent communication skills, the capacity to inspire and encourage people, flexibility, empathy, and a dedication to constant development are crucial qualities of an effective leader.

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In summary

Management and leadership are obviously distinct from one another. However, it would be incorrect to claim that the former cannot improve to the point where it can become the latter.

A lot of introspection and academic support will do the trick.

 For the latter, you can enrol in a program like UCD Professional Academy’s Diploma in Leadership and Management. Take this class as a road map to becoming a better leader and overcoming obstacles.

But why end it there? Being a leader requires ongoing education. Additional business classes can always help you


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