Ideas of Aiming For Success Rather Than Wealth.
Success Rather Than Wealth.
One standard definition of success is the realization of one’s aspirations. Success can be thought of as a synonym for attainment, accomplishment, or development.
Success is more of a process than a final goal because it involves acquiring the knowledge, abilities, and connections necessary for sustained success.
Due to the specified nature of goal attainment, success can mean different things to people based on their circumstances.
One’s own criteria may determine the path to success most suited to them. To achieve your goals, you must first choose what you consider successful.
While achieving success in one’s career is vital, it’s not the only measure of success.
It’s natural for everyone to strive for greatness in some area of their lives, whether it’s academics, work, hobbies, or athletics. Being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy, and loved are all things that many people may consider successful.
So, how can you boost your chances of success?
How do successful people usually behave?
There are many best paths to achievement. What helps you may not help someone else.
There may be no magic formula for success. Adhering to simple guidelines can increase the odds of achieving your goals in life, love, work, or whatever else is significant to you.
The potential drawbacks of obsessing about financial matters are aiming for success rather than wealth because you will only succeed if your motivation is financial.
Focus on the change you want to see in the world rather than the money you need.
Why Financial Gain Doesn’t Always Indicate Achievement
1, Happiness Cannot be Purchased With Money
Which do you value more, happiness or wealth?
You might expect a universally positive response. But you might be astonished to learn that most individuals just want to be wealthy to do whatever they choose with their lives.
This is because people subconsciously hope acquiring wealth will make them happy. If you had more money, you could buy the things you’ve always wanted.
However, there is only one reliable source of joy, and that is within oneself. You must make changes until you’re content with who you are and what you’ve accomplished.
2, You Can’t Buy a Family with Money
Do you know anyone who worked hard and waited a very long time for his or her wish to come true—the birth of a new baby?
Having a child of your own is one of life’s greatest blessings. Sometimes we must accept that things are not meant to be because of a higher purpose.
Nothing can compare to being at the top of the world with your newborn and feeling like life couldn’t get any better.
It only matters how much money you have if you have your loved ones at your side.
This is because no one can love you or provide you with life experiences like your own family can. Keep your loved ones close and put them ahead of material possessions.
3. Your Health is Your Most Precious Possession.
Since you are wealthy, you may order a package to improve your health or help you lose 5 pounds.
Each of us longs for boundless vitality, sound health, and the freedom to pursue our interests. I don’t want to work; it’s too hard.
That’s how you can feel at first. The first part of the sentence is correct; the labor is difficult.
If things were easy, our efforts wouldn’t give us this unique sense of fulfillment.
Despite the difficulties of the working world, spending your time doing nothing is not a good idea, as this breeds neither productivity nor social benefit.
4, Take Advantage of This Chance

Every one of us works hard so that we can advance from one opportunity to the next and the next. A job as a financial advisor for a firm is a good illustration of this.
What about this particular company piqued your interest besides the growth prospect?
Maybe it’s a fantastic offer regarding money and benefits, or it’ll help you develop personally and professionally.
These are some of the criteria we use to decide whether or not to accept a job offer.
Let’s say I told you that you could take the same job with a different firm in a foreign nation, and the new company would pay you more and offer you better perks.
I’m referring to a position that pays more, provides housing and transportation, and reimburses some or all of your expenses but may only offer some of your current job’s perks.
How about taking the deal?
It would be prudent to analyze the pros and cons of the two jobs to make an informed decision.
Then you’ll evaluate your options and choose the one with the most potential growth.
That’s just how people are wired.
Furthermore, one’s socioeconomic status need not determine whether or not they are afforded favorable opportunities. Opportunity knocks, and you get the door because you’re a good fit for what’s available.
5, Your Mental Approach Is Crucial
Many facets of one’s existence are affected by one’s attitude. Consider how much more you may learn and retain in the classroom if you adopt an optimistic viewpoint instead of a pessimistic one.
There are now varying perspectives on interacting with and talking to others.
What is the distinction between the “rich-poor” and the “poor-rich”?
Those who are “rich-poor” may have never had as much money as the wealthy do but who are more prosperous and happier than anyone else because of their outlook and principles.
These people live in poverty but are deeply committed to critical values like civility, honesty, loyalty, and activism.
However, poor-rich people have a lot of money but are impoverished.
Furthermore, a person with so much money that he believes he is invincible is an example of a poor-rich individual.
Because of his inflated sense of self-importance, he would likely behave condescendingly toward others. You may have noted that I mentioned the mindset first when I defined “rich-poor” and “poor-rich” above rather than the wealth itself.
This is because the things that truly matter in life—like your beliefs, morals, manners, and spirit—cannot be bought with money. You can’t put a price on the priceless feeling you get when people praise your modesty or friendliness.
6, Having Too Mmuch Financial Stability Might be Dangerous.
There are examples of people who moved from being extremely poor to needing to buy a larger piggy bank. Some of them are famous people whose wealth may make things much worse.
Having a lot of money allows you to do more things you’ve always wanted to do. Start a nonprofit organization, buy a home, or travel the country in a new vehicle.
The benefit of spending the money lies in this. However, there is always another side to a story, and financial matters are no exception.
In particular, at a young age, but also in general, such a massive piggy bank could cause severe issues. If the conditions are right, having a lot of money might lead to addiction.
All factors are money, peer pressure, and not knowing where you’re going. If we want to be successful in life, we must ensure that we are in charge of our financial situation and that it does not control us.
7. Love Can’t be Bought or Sold
First, I’d want to point out that the term “commodity” is commonly used to describe something that may be bought and sold.
Do you know of, or expect to see, a store where people may buy interests like sports, learning, engineering, or volunteering?
Since each of these fervent interests must spring from within, that can’t happen.
Passion is the driving force that gets you out of bed every day, even if you only got a few hours of sleep, and keeps you going even when you’re exhausted.
What keeps you working towards a goal or staying engaged in an activity is your “passion” for that item.
If you’re really into soccer, you can’t wait for the next game and always think about it, even when sleeping.
And you may have more than one thing that lights your fire. You may rank your most to most minor essential interests and allocate your time appropriately.
It’s not uncommon for hobbies to sprout into full-fledged professions after humble beginnings.
8, Aims, Not Cash,
We need to ask ourselves, “Is it money or goals that help us achieve success?”
Without objectives, our lives lack meaning, and we stagnate. Even if we have more than enough money to last a lifetime without working again, it is still essential to set goals for ourselves.
If, for example, a very wealthy person does not have many close friends or family members, then all of his wealth will be wasted on him because he will spend his days alone in his mansion doing nothing.
One path to success that person could pursue would be to become more involved in the local community and establish meaningful connections with like-minded people.
In this way, success is not primarily a function of financial resources but of pursuing linked goals.
9 Defining One’s Own Victory
There is no single defining characteristic of successful people or an exact blueprint for replicating their achievements. Your personal standards for success are unique to you.
Money can’t purchase happiness; it means different things to different people.
Some people, for instance, consider themselves successful if they can provide for and spend quality time with their families, which money can only purchase sometimes.
In today’s materialistic society, it’s easy to believe the myth that financial success is synonymous with material wealth.
Unfortunately, most of us evaluate our value based on our bank balance, even though money and success are not necessarily synonymous.
We may judge a person’s level of success based on external factors, such as whether or not they drive a sports vehicle. However, a person’s level of success is ultimately determined by their ability to navigate life’s challenges while maintaining a positive outlook and physical and mental health.
Invest wisely in ways that will positively impact society, such as providing aid to those who are less fortunate or experiencing hardship.
Some Ideas for Aiming For Success
1, Construct a Growth Mindset
Carol Dweck, a psychologist, found that people’s perceptions of themselves and their capabilities fell into two broad categories: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.
Those who hold this view, known as a “fixed mindset,” consider qualities like intelligence to be unmovable and unchanging. Those with a fixed mindset think their natural abilities are the sole cause of their achievements rather than their own efforts.
People who hold this view are less likely to persist in the face of adversity and are more likely to give up when faced with a test of their mettle.
They give up when success is hard to come by because they falsely feel they are not naturally talented.
On the other hand, people with a growth mentality are confident in their potential for development in response to sustained effort.
Success is more likely for those who trust in their own potential for development. They keep striving towards their goals despite setbacks because they always seek to improve themselves.
In contrast to people with a fixed mindset, people with a development mindset feel they can shape their destiny.
How can one cultivate a capacity for personal development?
- Think that what you’re doing is essential. People with a growth mindset don’t believe in their inherent talent but rather in the potential for improvement via sustained effort.
- Boost your skill set. They look for lessons in failure to improve their chances of future success.
- Attempt to see difficulties as learning experiences. Those with a growth mindset see challenges as learning experiences. Instead, they view it as an opportunity to learn and develop through experiential learning. They can rationalize their failure by saying to themselves, “That didn’t work, so I’ll try something a little different this time.”
Individual drive and a tolerance for uncertainty are essential. When considering a career path, most people ultimately conclude that starting a business is too dangerous for them.
There is a possibility that your concept won’t catch on because of technological advancements, and there is also a risk that you won’t make any money. Whether or if your company plan is flexible is an important question. It’s intimidating for many would-be business owners.
For various reasons, one might follow the risky but potentially rewarding path of starting their own business. We want the company for ourselves because we want to set our own schedules, impact the world, and amass great wealth for many of us.
Nearly 97% of business owners say they have no intention of returning to 9-to-5 work but is financial success really what drives the successful ones?
2, Boost Your EQ (Emotional IQ)
Experts have long held that general intelligence is a component of achieving success. Still, recent research suggests that emotional intelligence may be even more crucial.
Emotional intelligence is the aptitude for seeing, regulating, and making rational decisions in response to emotional situations. Emotionally intelligent people are in tune with not only their own feelings but also those of those around them.
Raise your EQ by doing the following:
- Focus on how you feel right now. Get in touch with your emotions and figure out what’s triggering them.
- Keep your feelings under check. Take a step back and attempt to look at the situation objectively. Instead of stuffing your emotions down, search for constructive coping methods.
- Maintain an open ear. This requires listening to their words and reading their expressions and body language.
3, Gain Mental Strength
The ability to keep pushing on despite setbacks exemplifies mental toughness. Those with such fortitude view difficulties as exciting challenges to conquer.
They believe they can shape their lives, have faith in their abilities, and are determined to see their projects through.
How can I strengthen my resolve and improve my outlook on life’s possibilities?
- Trust in your own abilities. Remove your critical inner monologue and focus on boosting your mood and confidence instead.
- Stay persistent. Focus on how you improve your skillset and keep pushing forward even if you encounter insurmountable obstacles or repeated setbacks. Looking at mistakes as opportunities to grow is a common trait among successful people.
- Be kind to yourself. Keeping your strength requires you to be kind to yourself. Maintain consistent self-checks to ensure you’re providing yourself with the conditions for success.
- Find ways to expand your horizons. Opportunities for self-discovery can be found in both introspection and experimentation.
4, Improve Your Self-Control
Longitudinal research saw psychologists keep tabs on a group of kids singled out exceptionally bright in school. Researchers evaluated the respondents’ outcomes over multiple time points.
- They found that the most successful individuals shared common traits, such as resiliency and determination.
- These traits are typically intertwined with an individual’s character, although they are also malleable.
- The secret to achieving your goals in life may lie in your ability to delay gratification, persevere in the face of adversity, and patiently wait for the fruits of your labor.
Some ways to strengthen your resolve are:
- Distraction. If, while dieting, you find it hard to resist the allure of your favorite sweets, occupying yourself during those weak moments can help you fight the need to give in.
- Practice. You can strengthen your willpower through deliberate practice. Create manageable, willpower-testing objectives, such as cutting back on sugary snacks. Your ability to use willpower to accomplish even tiny goals increases as you move on to concentrate on more significant objectives.
5, Pay Attention to Your Own Internal Drives
How would you describe your primary source of drive?
What motivates you to work towards your goals more—the prospect of gaining something from others or your sense of accomplishment?
While things like money, honors, and recognition might motivate, many people discover that the intrinsic joys of doing something will keep them going.
Intrinsic motivations include doing something because you love it, because it has meaning to you, or because you appreciate witnessing the results of your efforts.
While incentives may be a stronger predictor of some types of performance, research shows that intrinsic motivators are more likely to lead to high-quality work.
When maintaining new behaviors, internal motivators frequently kick in and keep people going rather than external ones.
What Can You Do To Increase Your Own Personal Drive?
- Put yourself to the test. Success motivation can be boosted by setting challenging but not insurmountable goals. Challenging yourself may increase your confidence, help you learn new skills, and keep you engaged in whatever you’re working on. If you need help getting started, try picking something out of your comfort zone.
- Be inquisitive. Find topics that interest you and motivate you to study more.
- Get in charge. Suppose you don’t believe you can make a difference in the outcome of your efforts. Maintaining the internal motivation necessary to complete your goal can take much work. Try to find a method to participate actively.
- Don’t worry about your rivals. Others may share your aspirations, but it shouldn’t discourage you. Refrain from judging your success based on how far others have come. You can find inspiration in the experiences of others, but keep in mind that everyone’s journey is unique.
6, Target Successable Outcomes
Those who succeed tremendously know the value of establishing attainable goals for themselves. These goals may be challenging, but they will provide a focal point and encourage you to keep going when things get bad.
Aiming For A Specific Outcome Requires:
- Specify as many relevant factors as you can: When trying to learn a new language, it’s better to have a concrete goal like “I’m going to spend some time a day learning a new language” than an overly general one like “I’m going to learn French.”
- Even if you choose a precise objective, it may only be insurmountable unlessifreak it is broken down into manageable chunks. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, break the task into manageable pieces.
- Acknowledge your progress and give yourself permission to relish in your hard-won victories.
7, Characteristics of Good Parenting That Predict Success
For a long time, psychologists have tried to associate particular personality qualities with future achievement.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a famous test many companies use throughout hiring. However, studies rarely find a strong MBTI-performance correlation.
Some newer studies suggest that characteristics strongly correlate with achievement. Six factors have been identified by researchers Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham as necessary in determining an individual’s success at work.
However, they point out that specific characteristics have sweet spots. Both needing more of these qualities and having too many can benefit success.
To Achieve Your Goals In Life, You Should Focus On Developing The Following Qualities.
Conscientious people think about how their activities will make others feel. They take into account the feelings and reactions of others. You can foster this quality by doing the following:
- Consideration of potential outcomes
- Taking into account the points of view of others
Tolerant of uncertainty
There are many murky circumstances in life. High-potential individuals are better able to deal with this uncertainty. They are not set in their ways but somewhat open to change in the face of uncertainty. To get more comfortable with ambiguity, you can:
- Engaging in self-reflection and openly considering alternative points of view
- not being afraid of the unknown
- the quality of being adaptable
- appreciating differences
Flexible and adaptable
Being flexible and open to new ideas is essential to success, as is the capacity to deal with uncertainty. You can develop your flexibility by doing the following:
- Changing one’s perspective such that adversity is seen not as something to be overcome but as a chance to improve
- The ability to adapt when faced with a change in plans or circumstances.
The most successful people in the world typically have remarkable bravery. They are risk-takers who don’t mind the possibility of losing. Positive emotions, according to the literature, help bold people push beyond their fears.
To increase your risk tolerance, you can:
- Putting an end to unpleasant sentiments and shifting attention to those that are more upbeat
- Striking a balance between risk and common sense, sometimes being cautious and practical, pays off.
Successful people typically have many interests and questions about the world. They have an insatiable appetite for education and are hungry for fresh information.
Curiosity is a skill that can be developed by:
- Suppose you find filing tedious. In that case, you may appeal to your skills as an organizer by finding a more effective way to classify the information.
- Acquiring New Knowledge
Successful people can draw inspiration from healthy rivalry but are immune to the destructive emotions of envy. Developing a healthy competitive spirit involves:
- Paying close attention to your development rather than worrying about competing for first place.
- enjoying other people’s success
Certain are better suited to particular personality types and attributes. However, no one set of characteristics will ensure success or predict failure.
Many people’s lives could benefit from cultivating a few of these high-potential attributes. Still, opinions vary on how much of a person’s personality can be changed.
8, Develop a Solid Social Network
Having a solid group of friends behind you may make even the most challenging tasks seem manageable. The support of close friends, relatives, and colleagues can be invaluable.
- Feeling safe and understood during trying times is possible with the help of those who offer emotional support.
- Having someone believe in you and raise your self-esteem can do wonders for your motivation.
- With the right kind of guidance and direction, you can do anything with the help of the correct type of informational support.
- Active and valuable assistance can be provided by tangible support. This could include asking someone else for help or even handing off the entire project to them.
Having support from individuals who believe in you and are invested in you When times are bad, your accomplishments can mean the world.
9, Avoid Exhaustion
When stress is constant and severe, it can lead to burnout. It’s a significant roadblock to achievement that can bring in fatigue, pessimism, and poor results.
- When you lose your drive, you may find yourself uninterested in life and unable to do even the simplest tasks.
- Some stress can be reduced by practicing self-care, such as getting adequate sleep and eating healthily. However, getting to the root of the problem is often necessary when dealing with burnout.
- This may necessitate reevaluating your objectives at times. A formula for burnout is setting goals that are too ambitious or trying to do too much too quickly.
- If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try making minor changes, like adjusting your expectations, or significant, like relocating or getting a new career.
10, Focus on Something Other Than the Benefits.
So many would-be company owners and entrepreneurs set out into the world with the optimistic expectation that they would become wealthy and begin plotting how to spend their windfall lavishly.
This is an incorrect perspective, which might hinder your pursuit of financial independence.
Even though I’ve reached a place in my business where I can confidently put operations on “cruise control,” I maintain the perspective that it’s essential to keep adding value to my company to keep serving the community.
As a company owner, human being, and citizen, I only fulfill my responsibilities if I contribute to improving my neighborhoods.
11. But I’ve Heard That Profit is Essential to Corporate Success.
You need to turn a profit to keep your business afloat, but if that’s your sole motivation, you’re setting yourself up for failure. The money will come from asking how you can serve the community, improve things, and make an effect. At that point, accomplishment is specific.
12, To Aid You on Your Way to Being a Successful Entrepreneur, Keep in Mind the Following:
Risk failing before you succeed.
In this way, the business owner may focus more on growing the company without worrying about the financial rewards. If you have a plan for where you want to take your firm, financial concerns might be put to rest.
Give up the myth that more money can be earned by working harder. We’ve always believed there would be a payoff if we put in the effort.
There would be many more affluent individuals worldwide if all diligent workers became wealthy. On the contrary, if you want more time to pursue your interests, you need to learn to do more in less time.
Make yourself irreplaceable by dominating the conversation. That’s not a dollar amount that interests me. If you have a penchant for making vegan sauces, establish yourself as a resource for others looking for advice.
Study the industry thoroughly if you’re serious about entering the field. Do not overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion, but neither should you give up on your true calling for fear of falling behind. You want people in your area to say, “Oh, sure, [insert your name here] is the best at what they do!”
If You Must, Continue Working.
Only quit your day job if you have saved enough money to support yourself. However, this does not indicate that your efforts to become an entrepreneur must be improved. Entrepreneurship does not exclude having a traditional 9–5 job.
They are not mutually exclusive. Keep working until you’re ready to go full-time if doing so would help you make ends meet during the transition.
Keep your cool.
Allowing others to dictate your professional path becomes a potential trump card in your quest for professional fulfillment.
You can enjoy the benefit of guidance from a mentor, but you shouldn’t let people whose opinions you don’t respect push you in a way you don’t feel is proper.
In particular, if they suggest that “you could make so much more money doing this instead.” Your job and your interests can go anywhere you want them to go.
It’s Your job to Lead the Company.
You are your firm’s chief executive officer (CEO) whether you employ 50 people or none. Use that motivation to give you confidence in your professional choices. Instead of waiting for monetary compensation, reward yourself for accomplishing this goal.
If you feel the need, you should get a sign or a trophy that says “world’s greatest boss” and place it on your desk. The motivation you need is the satisfaction of knowing your efforts are making a difference.
Find an Alternative Objective.
Think about an alternative objective besides “becoming rich.”
What would it be if you had to choose only one goal for your career as an entrepreneur?
It might be so that more money is available for charitable contributions, attending sponsored events, or launching a second enterprise. Achieving anything helps to have a clear picture of what success looks like.
Things You Need to Drop if You Want to Make It
Once upon a time, someone explained that hell is when, “on your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” Unknown Author
Sometimes, we don’t need to add more things to our lives to be successful; instead, we need to let go of some things holding us back from becoming the best version of ourselves.
Though we may each have our own personal standards by which success is measured, some things apply to everyone and, if pursued, will lead to your ultimate success.
You can give up on some of these right now, while others may take longer.
Tips for maintaining routines while away from home
1. Stop Engaging in Unhealthy Behaviors
“Be kind to your physical self. This is the only home you have right now. According to Jim Rohn
This is the starting point for any and all of your future endeavors. You should prioritize your health first and simply need to remember two things:
- Eat Well
- Engaging in Sport
It’s a baby step, but you’ll be glad you took it afterward.
2, Stop Thinking in the Short Term.
The saying goes, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Quote from: Mae West
- People who are consistently successful know that their long-term objectives are the product of the daily actions they do.
- You shouldn’t only practice these healthy routines; you should be them.
- “Working out to get a summer body” is not the same as “Working out because that’s who you are.”
Stop Trying to Fit In.
Your insecurities aren’t helping anyone by playing it safe. Avoiding making others uncomfortable around you is not a sign of enlightenment. As children do, we are all brilliant in our own right.
Everyone has it within them, and when we shine, we unintentionally give others permission to do the same. When we overcome our anxiety, we unconsciously set those around us free.
- You can only reach your full potential by putting yourself out there, taking advantage of extraordinary possibilities, or making your ambitions a reality.
- And the good you could have done won’t ever be shared with the world.
- Don’t be afraid to put forth your ideas and try new things; you shouldn’t be terrified of success.
4, Stop Making Excuses.
To paraphrase a famous saying, “It’s not about the cards you’re dealt, but how you play your hands.” The Final Lecture by Randy Pausch
- Successful people know they are ultimately responsible for their own lives, no matter their background, limitations, or past mistakes.
- Realizing that your actions will determine your future is terrifying and thrilling.
- And when you do, there is no other way to succeed; excuses stunt our development as people and professionals.
- Nobody else will take responsibility for your life like you will.
5. Let Go of a Rigid Outlook
Those who acquire new knowledge and apply it in novel ways will prosper. The Art of War by Robert Greene
- People with a fixed mindset consider their IQ and other cognitive abilities unchangeable, and they expect to achieve success through innate ability rather than hard work. They’re entirely wrong.
- People who have found success in life already know this. They devote much time daily to cultivating a growth mindset, learning new information, developing new abilities, and altering their perspective for the better.
- Remember that tomorrow doesn’t require you to be different from who you are today.
6, No More Hoping For a “Magic Bullet.”
- That “every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”By Émile Coué
- You can’t become famous overnight.
- People who consistently achieve their goals understand that the cumulative effect of daily effort ultimately brings about success.
- that’s why thinking ahead, prioritizing today, and striving for incremental progress of just 1% each day is essential.
7, Stop Striving for Perfection
- Delivery is better than perfection. Kahn’s Mantra for Future Progress
- No matter how hard we try, everything will always be challenging.
- We often need to work on taking action and releasing our product into the world out of fear of rejection or, even more commonly, fear of success. But we can miss great opportunities if we wait for perfection.
- So “ship,” then tweak (1%) to perfection.
8, Stop Trying to juggle too many things at once.
- If you stop to hurl insults at every dog that makes a noise, you’ll never get anywhere. Churchill, Winston S.
- People who have found success in life already know this. As a result, they zero in on a single target and relentlessly crush it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a business plan, a chat with a friend, or a vigorous workout.
- The ability to focus intently on a single activity is crucial.
9 – Let Go of the Need to be in Charge of Everything
- As the saying goes, “Some things are up to us, and some things are not up to us.” Stoic philosopher Epictetus
- It’s crucial to tell the two apart.
- Learn to let go of what you can’t change and concentrate on what you can. Remember that sometimes the only thing you’ll have any say over is how you feel about a particular situation.
Never say “Bubbles” angrily; it’s impossible to remain upset.
10, Stop Accepting Yes that Detract From Your Ambitions.
- A person’s level of success is directly proportional to the degree to which he or she is willing to make sacrifices:
- Successful people understand that they must occasionally decline requests from loved ones and coworkers to reach their goals.
- You may delay some pleasure to achieve your long-term goals soon, but the trade-off will be well worth it.
11, Ignore the Negative Influences
- “You are like the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” James Rohn
- The sum of the people we spend the most time with is who we are.
- There are both those who have accomplished less in life and those who have completed more than us. Your GPA and overall success will suffer if you hang out with people lagging behind you.
- But if you put yourself in the company of those more successful than you, no matter how difficult it may be, you will improve your chances of success.
12, Check Out our Immediate Environment to Identify Problem Areas.
- Let go of the desire for social approval.
- To prevent angering others, one must take no noteworthy action. Quoted: Oliver Emberton
- Imagine that you are a specific type of customer.
- Many people will enjoy that field, while others may find it uninteresting. And no matter how hard you try, the market will never embrace you.
- There’s no need to explain this; it’s perfectly normal.
- The only thing you can do is stay true to yourself, constantly strive to improve and add more value to what you offer, and accept that the increasing number of “haters” is a sign that you are on the right track.
Stop Being so Reliant on TV and Social Media.
- The problem is that you believe you have plenty of time. Jack Kornfield
- Diseases of modern society include mindless TV and internet use.
- Neither should ever be an excuse to ignore your responsibilities or derail your progress toward your goals.
- Unless they are essential to your goals, you should limit (or eliminate) your time spent on them in favor of activities that value your life.
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