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Take Care for Dry Cracked Heels

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Take Care for Dry Cracked Heels

Dry Cracked Heels

Although dry cracked heels are ugly, they seldom lead to any major complications. Infection of badly broken heels can sometimes result in cellulitis. When the skin on the underside of your heel dries up and hardens, a condition known as “cracked heels” develops. There are remedies available for cracked heels, regardless of their origin. There are other preventative measures you may do to ensure your heels never fracture.

Why Do Some People Have Dry Cracking Heels?

Dry cracked heels aren’t usually a major concern but rather just a buildup of the top layer of skin resulting from friction and regular use, says Leah Ansell, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Treiber Dermatology Associates in New York City. 

Psoriasis and eczema are two of the most prevalent skin conditions, and both can cause dry, cracked heels. According to Rina Weimann (Allawh), MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in Pennsylvania, the former frequently manifests as red, irritated skin and little fluid-filled lumps. 

Taking care of your heels with moisturizing treatments can prevent painful cracks and keep them smooth and healthy.” according to her. However, eczema can be more difficult to diagnose since its symptoms—cracked and scaly patches—often seem like those of simple dryness or aging.

Feet may not be the most interesting subject, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore them when they look or feel funny. The good news is that there are several simple (and quick!) remedies for the frequent problem of dry, cracked heels. Determining the root cause of the dryness and cracks is where things become trickier.

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There are a number of risk factors for developing heel fissures.

  • Putting on sandals or other open-toed shoes
  • Having a steamy shower or bath
  • Toxic detergents
  • having skin that is dry and chilly
  • A dry, chilly spell
  • Long periods of standing‌

Dry Cracked heels are also a symptom of several medical disorders. Among these are:

  • Insufficient thyroid hormone production leads to hypothyroidism.
  • Young children often suffer from a skin ailment called juvenile plantar dermatosis.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome is a long-term disorder in which your body is unable to produce sufficient moisture.
  • Common fungal illness among athletes.
  • Bony growths that form on the underneath of your heel are called heel spurs.

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  • There may also be two secondary reasons at play. Dr. Ansell explains the link between tinea pedis, athlete’s foot, and keratoderma, an extremely rare genetic disorder. The latter causes painful and unattractive thickening of the skin around the heels. Dr. Weimann has suggested that hormonal shifts may play a role in the development of keratoderma, making the condition more common in postmenopausal women.
  • Finally, some myths will be busted. Anne Sharkey, DPM, a podiatrist at the North Austin Foot and Ankle Institute in Austin, disputes that a vitamin deficit is to blame for dry, cracked heels since she says it is extremely uncommon in the United States and other industrialized countries. She says that while vitamin E, C, and B deficiency might play a role in dry skin, it is more probable that one of the issues, as mentioned earlier, is at the base of your problem.
  • And what about being dehydrated? Water from your Stanley tumbler won’t do wonders for your heels, so save you time. Dr. Ansell clears the air, saying that dry, cracked heels aren’t always linked to dehydration from inadequate water consumption. Although being hydrated is a good idea, merely satiating your thirst won’t help.

When Should I be Worried That My Heels Have Cracked?

Suppose the symptoms of dry skin include soreness, fissures, or peeling. In that case, it is critical to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible. As was previously said, these signs could point to an infection or inflammation that needs medical attention. Home treatments are only effective if useful when treating them on your own.

Tips for Homecare of Dry Cracked Heels

Dry Cracked Heels

You may cure cracked heels at home by soaking your feet and applying moisturiser at least twice daily. Pick rich creams with skin softeners if you want to pamper your skin. Follow these instructions to fix your broken heels:

  • Spend 20 minutes soaking your feet in the soapy water.
  • Use a loofah or pumice stone to softly brush away dead, rough skin on your heels.
  • Get your feet completely dry.
  • If your feet are dry, use a thick moisturiser like petroleum jelly to fix the problem.
  • Wear some thick socks over your moisturised feet.‌

Check for writing like these on packaging:

  1. Urea
  2. Sodium salicylate
  3. Acide hydroxyalpha
  4. Isomerate of saccharin
  5. Acid lactic 

The combination of these substances effectively exfoliates and soothes the skin. Keep in mind that some people are allergic to one or more of these components.

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Help! My Dry Cracked Heels Won’t Heal! 

Dr. Ansell suggests a urea or lactic acid-based lotion. This aids in the mild exfoliation of dry, flaky skin. (AmLactin Foot Repair Foot Cream Therapy stands out among the highly praised and inexpensive solutions.) She recommends this method over harsh mechanical exfoliating treatments like using foot files, using these products can irritate your skin and increase infection risk.

  • Therapy with AmLactin Foot Repair Cream
  • The price “ONLY $10 AT AMAZON”

According to Sharkey, preventing dry, cracked heels is the best therapy for them. This includes a specific foot care regimen that includes bathing, removing calluses with a pumice stone, and moisturizing, as well as selecting well-fitting shoes that don’t unduly grind against the heels. 

(For your information, Dr. Ansell recommends using a pumice stone as a mechanical treatment since it is gentler on the skin and helps remove dead skin. Don’t forget that “a file can penetrate deeper and cause pain and open cuts,” as she puts it.

Sharkey often says that her patients use The Pedestrian Project Cracked Heel Repair because of how easy and mess-free it is to apply. She describes it as “Chapstick for your heels.” She says the all-natural components (African shea butter, mango butter, black currant oil) are “safe for even the most sensitive feet.”

Dry Cracked Heels

  • Cracked Heel Fix Pedestrian Work

However, Dr. Ansell stresses the significance of rehydrating the skin using ceramide-containing moisturizers. The physician says this method works well for treating dry, cracked heels and moderate eczema because it helps replace depleted fats. She recommends using a thick cream like Aveda’s Foot Relief Moisturising Creme on the afflicted regions and wrapping them in plastic for maximum absorption.

  • Moisturising Creme for Sore Feet by Aveda

Dry Cracked heels: When Should You See a Doctor?

If your cracked heels are really painful or if they don’t improve after a week of treatment, you should see a doctor. Looking for help with foot and ankle issues? A podiatrist is here to provide specialized medical care.

  • Strapping. Bandaging or treating the heel prevents the skin there from shifting.
  • Debridement. The surgery involves having the hard, thick skin of your heels surgically removed. Do not attempt this on your own. It’s possible that if you remove too much skin, an infection will set in.
  • Prescription meds. A stronger cream than what is available without a prescription may be prescribed by your doctor. Creams available only with a doctor’s prescription typically have a much greater concentration of active chemicals like urea or salicylic acid.‌
  • Body adhesive. Your doctor may choose to apply a skin-friendly adhesive to seal the splits in your heels. This may help them get well.
  • Inserts for shoes. Weight is less likely to be concentrated on your heels if you use insoles in your shoes. This can stop the fat pad from shifting laterally, which can lead to cracked heels.

 Cracked Heels Prevention

Do a daily check of your feet. If you have diabetes, you should pay special attention to this. If you check your feet every day, you can catch issues with your feet before they become severe. Seek out:

  • Swelling
  • Cuts
  • Ankle sprain
  • Localised heat

Daily foot washing is recommended. Wash your feet with warm water. Dry them thoroughly, paying special attention to the space between your toes where the skin is more likely to retain moisture. Put some cornflour or talcum powder in the space between your toes. This will help the skin stay dry and protect it from bacteria.

Cut your toenails short. Trim your toenails in a straight line if you need to. Then, carefully use an emery board to smooth them out. Ingrown toenails will be avoided as a result.‌

Please use sensible footwear. Put on a pair of well-fitting, clean socks first. Put your feet in comfortable, well-fitting shoes. Because feet swell throughout the day, shoe shopping is best done in the evening.

Keep your feet warm and dry by putting on some shoes. Shoes are required on the sand and scorching pavement. Protect your feet from the sun by applying sunscreen. Wear socks to bed if you get chilly feet at night. Wearing lined waterproof boots will help keep your feet warm and dry during the winter.

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