China Successfully Combated Air Pollution By Implementing Three Crucial Components
When any substance—chemical, physical, or biological—changes the atmospheric properties, we say this is air pollution,...
The Biggest Social Issues Confronting Us Now
A separate but related use of the word "biggest social issues" (especially in American usage) is to describe...
Domestic Violence Towards Men: Men Who Are Victims of Domestic Abuse
When men are physically or verbally abused inside the context of their home,such as...
Food Chains in Peril: How the Melting Ocean Floor is Changing Food Chains
Changing Food Chains
The Effects of Global Warming on Food Chains, From Phytoplankton to...
What is Deepfakes Web and the Dark Side Of AI?
The creation of deluding data utilising deepfake innovation may threaten national security if weaponised. This...
Hate Speech: What Is It, And Why Does It Matter?
The expression" hate speech" has several interpretations under the law. It defies easy categorisation. Hate...
Wealth Inequality in America: Why It Matter
Why there is a significant wealth inequality in America: The flush 10 Americans held 66.6 percent of the...